Crossing Tharwa Bridge this morning we were handed an update notice on the current progress and upcoming closure dates as the work continues. Very handy and I’m glad that the information is being passed on well before the actual closures – thanks.
For others who have not seen the closes, they are 8:30am to 3:30pm Monday, October 18th to Friday, November 12th
But reading further my attention has been drawn to this line.
“The project is running on time and is currently being delivered within the budget of $26 million.”
What an amazing is the massive waste of money this project is. Let’s look at what remains of the “significant heritage” referred to later in the notice. So far the footings and the under support of the bridge has been replaced. The deck and the trusses are about to be replaced. The only things that are original are the columns and the original linen plans! Not to mention that the trusses had to be made from old growth forest timber.
Would it not have been better to keep the old bridge for cycle & foot traffic and create a park around it? That way people could stop and enjoy the “heritage” value rather than just driving past.
I do remember that before this project started that a new, two lane bridge could have been built at a cost of $9million. If this was the cost then I do not think that making a park land around the old would have cost the rest of the $15 million!