25 November 2010

Police Wrap - 25 November 2010

| johnboy
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1. White Ribbon Day:

Police Commissioners from every State and Territory in Australia will stand together today and ‘swear’ for the first time in support of White Ribbon Day – the campaign to eliminate violence against women.

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Tony Negus will lead the White Ribbon Day ‘swearing ceremony’ with White Ribbon Foundation Chair and media personality Andrew O’Keefe, among a group of 90 people at the White Ribbon Day lunch in Canberra hosted by ACT Policing.

“Today, as Commissioners of Police, we stand united in our condemnation of violence against women,” Commissioner Negus said.

“The sad fact of the matter is that domestic violence remains a significant issue for all of our communities. And invariably, the victims are women and children. Nationally, one in three women will be assaulted or abused in their lifetime.

“Police and welfare groups, along with the entire community must take a strong stance against this type of behaviour and work actively towards its elimination. It’s about not turning a blind eye, not closing your kitchen window when you hear someone next door being subject to abuse, not putting up with your mate pushing his girlfriend around when he is drunk.

“By setting an example and pledging our support we hope that the wider community will feel confident to speak out against this type of crime and seek assistance,” Commissioner Negus said.

Commissioners Simon Overland, Andrew Scipione, Bob Atkinson, Darren Hine, Mal Hyde, John McRoberts and Karl O’Callaghan will all be in attendance along with Commissioner Negus and Acting Chief Police Officer David McLean to acknowledge this day.

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colourful sydney racing identity9:17 am 26 Nov 10

Jim Jones said :

Holditz said :

I’m not saying that the message issued by White Ribbon Day is bad, I’m just saying this is what I’d like to see in the future is that any violence in the home is not OK, whether it be perpetrated by man or woman.

(I could go on a bit more but that would be semantic analysis.)

Yes, but that muddies the waters unnecessarily. Events such as White Ribbon Day, Reclaim the Night, and even all the pink ribbon breast cancer stuff – all of these work because they have a simple, targeted message that is easily conveyed to the general public.

Attempting to wedge more into that simple message detracts from the effectiveness of the message (for example, “violence against women” as opposed to “violence against weomen, and violence against children by adults, and also we should probably add that some men are abused by women and they should be included too [etc ad nauseum]”).

+1 it turns it into grandstanding by Pommy Bastards Oppressed White Middle Class Males Movement.

C’mon JJ, what isn’t simple about the message “Any violence in the home is not acceptable”?

Holditz said :

I’m not saying that the message issued by White Ribbon Day is bad, I’m just saying this is what I’d like to see in the future is that any violence in the home is not OK, whether it be perpetrated by man or woman.

(I could go on a bit more but that would be semantic analysis.)

Yes, but that muddies the waters unnecessarily. Events such as White Ribbon Day, Reclaim the Night, and even all the pink ribbon breast cancer stuff – all of these work because they have a simple, targeted message that is easily conveyed to the general public.

Attempting to wedge more into that simple message detracts from the effectiveness of the message (for example, “violence against women” as opposed to “violence against weomen, and violence against children by adults, and also we should probably add that some men are abused by women and they should be included too [etc ad nauseum]”).

I’m not saying that the message issued by White Ribbon Day is bad, I’m just saying this is what I’d like to see in the future is that any violence in the home is not OK, whether it be perpetrated by man or woman.

(I could go on a bit more but that would be semantic analysis.)

Holditz said :

= but violence by adult women against children occurs as well.

You mean child abuse?

It’s a good cause, let’s not detract from it by getting into semantic analysis that a good deal of the general public finds obnoxious and offputting. The usual chumps did the same thing with ‘reclaim the night’ recently and it doesn’t help matters at all.

I reservedly applaud this cause, but I would prefer to take away the gender specific language. Domestic violence of any form by either sex is not acceptable. Violent action isn’t initiated by sex- it’s initiated by people with power agaist the weak. We often focus on men beating up on women and children (and in the majority of cases this is the case) but violence by adult women against children occurs as well.

I look forward to the day when we can say that violence against anyone is unacceptable.

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