A short while ago, I celebrated a significant birthday. Checking the mail that day, I anticipated maybe a few bills, a birthday card with some crisp $20 notes from Gran, and maybe even some menus I could add to the rather extensive collection currently plastered over my fridge door.
What I got was something … different.
There was a hand-written birthday card in the mail for me (cream, fairly non-descript aside from a logo on the front) from my local politician. It was innocent enough, just a “Congratulations on the occassion of your birthday. Wishing you all the best.” etc, etc. And I found it to be exceptionally creepy.
I’d like to avoid publicly branding this person as a lurker because, hey, they could just be a really nice person who doesn’t understand that sometimes birthday cards are better left to family and friends. But the idea that some random polly and his/her secretary is belting out birthday cards to unsuspecting citizens really makes things awkward. Do they have nothing better to do than write cards to strangers? Maybe they’re fishing for votes? Why is my date of birth/ address, etc of such importance to them that they felt the need to abuse their access to it?
Or maybe they’re just a birthday enthusiast?
What do you guys think? Have you ever recieved a handwritten card or something equally as personal from someone inappropriate? And is this just a polite politician trying to spread a little cheer, or is it just a little too kind coming from someone who wants my vote?