Water use is shooting up as fast as temperatures and the promised late January deluge has failed to arrive.
Fortunately Actew is reminding us all how and when we can water under the “permanent water conservation measures”.
They’re also recommending “cyclic watering” which goes like this:
- 1. Water a designated area until pooling and runoff begins, then turn the water off.
2. Leave the area for half an hour to an hour to allow the water to soak into the soil.
3. Water the area again until pooling and runoff begins, then turn the water off.
4. Again, leave the area for half an hour to an hour to allow the water to soak into the soil.
5. In between watering cycles, dig around to see if the water is reaching the root zones. Then you will know how many times you have to repeat the cyclic watering process to let the water reach areas where it is really needed. You can then program your drip irrigation system accordingly.
6. Continue steps 1-5 throughout the watering time permitted by the relevant restriction stage to maximise the benefit of watering while minimising water usage. You should only need to water each area once or twice a week, depending on the weather.
So now you know.