Back in 2008 the owner of the Holy Grail made comments regarding the unsuitability of autistic people for work. Drooling was his concern. Readers comments called for a boycott to punish them in the hip pocket. It’s 2011 and the Civic store has bitten the dust. People power from The RiotACT perhaps?
Probably not in all truth. It turns out that despite being one of Canberra’s best known retreats for the political folk, neither location has been doing too well. In fact, here’s an interesting tidbit about Telluride (the company name of the Civic location) and Squaw Valley (the Kingston location) from proceedings in the Federal Magistrates Court:
Telluride submitted that it was operating at a significant loss and was being subsidised by Squaw Valley which, itself, did not enjoy a large profit. It was submitted that the companies had limited capacities to pay and a large penalty might lead to liquidation of the companies. It was submitted that any penalty which would be imposed should not put Telluride out of business.
Source: VONARX v SQUAW VALLEY PTY LTD [2008] FMCA 212. [47].
Does anyone know what is to become of the former Civic location, it looked to be having a major refit over Christmas? And is the limited profitability of the Holy Grail indicative of the local hospitality industry as a whole, are things really that tough?