Over the past four days, ACT Policing’s Recognition and Analysis of Plates IDentified (RAPID) team has detected 65 unregistered vehicles.
From the 26,000 vehicles scanned, RAPID also identified 33 uninsured vehicles, 16 defective vehicles and seven unlicensed drivers. In addition, 50 infringements were issued for other traffic related offences.
Among the vehicles detected this week were a 2009 Mercedes Benz C180 sedan, 2010 Toyota Kluger station wagon and a 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer sedan, all of which were unregistered and uninsured.
The RAPID team also arrested a male driver yesterday (Thursday, 24 February) for driving while disqualified. The man had been detected by the RAPID team for the same offence in August last year.
Superintendent Mark Colbran from Traffic Operations said results like this should remind the Canberra community of the importance of ensuring your vehicle’s registration is current, and your vehicle is insured.
“A RAPID flyer will soon be distributed with all ACT registration renewals as a reminder for motorists of the financial consequences of not registering your vehicle on time,” Superintendent Colbran said.
“Driving a vehicle just one day out of registration makes you liable to a minimum fine of $543. Two weeks out of registration and the fine increases to $1,086. With our dedicated RAPID team operating 365 days a year, why risk getting caught when it is cheaper to just pay your registration when it is due?”
A RAPID vehicle will also be on display at the Royal Canberra Show this weekend demonstrating the capabilities of the RAPID technology.
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