I know this topic has appeared before and I am prepared for the comments from those who do not give a dam about The Chronicle being forced upon them but I am really hoping someone can provide me with information that will mean no more Chronicles for me.
I have phoned The Chronicle numerous times, had my details taken and confirmed I have a No Junk Mail sign on the letterbox. Each time I am promised that delivery will now stop.
The deliveries did stop for nearly a year but over the last few months they have started up again and though I have phoned each week to politely have my name and address placed on ‘the list’ they keep coming.
I have no problems with The Chronicle being produced for those who want it but I am sick of the wastage.
Reading comments from earlier posts others are too.
Having a lump of paper, wrapped in plastic, thrown at every property in Canberra seems to be a bit over the top.
Especially when those that take the time and effort to stop it are ignored and it is still enforced upon us.
I know many of you will comment that there are more important issues I could use my time worrying about and once I have stopped plastic and paper being thrown in my driveway, I will move on to stopping world hunger and creating world peace.