Yesterday Riot had a story go up where the poster asked a seemingly reasonable and innocuous question about a particular service and if anyone had any good experiences with a particular service provider. Not long after that the same logon posted a glowing review for the self same service provider.
Been alert types a good half dozen of the rest of you jumped on that user for the blatant and under handed attempt at self promotion and for frankly being an idiot for trying it.
Now we (the admins) got an email from the owner of that logon claiming that they didn’t write the post nor the comment, which if true could only really have occurred if that individual wasn’t secure with their logon details or had left themselves logged on to a computer that other people had access to. Unable to prove otherwise we dropped the post at their request.
But the question arises, besides this attempt being inept at best, is self promotion just outright evil and underhanded? and should Riot’s policy of post ownership being that of the author and therefore able to be removed on request of the author be reviewed so posts like the one in question could stay up so we could lay the boot in some more?