We couldn’t make up Canberra if we tried, and if we did no-one would believe us.
Reader’s will no doubt be breaking out the champagne following the news from Andrew Barr that an agreement has been reached with the Conservation Council to preserve the habitat of the Pink-Tailed Worm Lizard in the Molonglo River Corridor:
The agreement ensures almost all of the endangered Pink-Tailed Worm Lizard habitat, as well as more of the Molonglo River Corridor, is now outside the bushfire buffer zone.
In addition, it was also agreed that all stormwater systems within the Coombs development will be directed to a Gross Pollutant Trap and filtration system prior to discharging into the Molonglo River.
Conservation Council Executive Director, Clare Henderson said: “We are pleased to have reached an outcome which provides better protection of the Molonglo River Corridor and to the habitat of the endangered Pink-Tailed Worm Lizard”.
The agreement provides that the Government can later seek approval for developing additional house blocks however only after a statutory Plan of Management for the Molonglo River corridor is complete.
I know I’ll sleep easier tonight.
(For those who are wondering, OzAnimals have pictures.