By now anyone who has been paying attention to the key campaign issues for next weeks election will have noticed that the Liberals campaign is very heavily pushing the fiscal argument that under a labor government that ACT rates will triple as a result of the abolition of stamp duty. Its hard to miss Zed’s trailers parked along key arterial roads around Canberra reinforcing the point.
It’s a claim that the incumbent labor government says is an out at out lie, and has both parties attempting to find credible endoresments (whilst simultaneously discrediting the oppositions. Fliers for which have been dropped in more than a few letterboxes is in my opinion, a particularly sensationalist approach with lots of large bold and highlighted lettering for Labor’s position in case you couldn’t work it out yourself..
Its fair to say that in time, rates will indeed triple. but is this the ACT Liberals sensationalising the issue as well? After all, the election promises of extra spending on this, that and the other thing need to be funded by someone.
[update 12/10] Just to ad some extra fun to the mix. the Liberals are now accusing Labor of hypocrisy with some land rates having increased by up to 300% or more in the last 11 years of labor leadership. But thats ok, because they were focussed on tax reform.
And not to be outdone, Senator Gaz has his own views – not surprisingly supporting the liberals assesment.