My wife was telling me that our prospective pre-school won’t apply sunscreen on children. The reason is that if they did, they would be required to wash their hands after each child (so it’s not about allergies). I didn’t find out why they have to wash their hands after each child, kid cooties being the primary suspect, yet I can’t imagine sunscreen abstinence will protect preschoolers from each other. They are prepared, however, to lower the drawbridge to roll-ons if one is provided by the parents.
Not outraged, just bemused. We’ll just try not to forget to dip our kid in all-day sunscreen before dropping them off, or teach them to be creative with a zinc-stick. But is this policy common among pre-schools in Canberra? I know our day-care centre slaps it on from the communal barrel whenever they think of it so this is all new to me.