29 September 2008

RiotACT server outage - Sunday evening

| Kramer
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[First filed: September 27, 2008 @ 22:01]

On Sunday evening, the new RiotACT server will be going into the Transact data centre to replace our current box, which has really been struggling recently. We expect the server to be offline between 6pm and 9pm, while we get the data transferred and the hardware swapped. I know it will be hard for some to be without RiotACT for an evening, but I assure you it will be back bigger and faster than ever.

Thanks to Velocity Internet who continue to provide our server hosting on their mega fast internet connection.

RiotACT Server Admin

Velocity Internet

UPDATE: And the new beast is now succesfully in place thanks to Kramer’s brilliant work. It’s currently chewing through your queries with contempt (1-2% of capacity in use compared to 50-60% on the old server in a similar period). That should be an end to those vexing database errors for some time. (he says tempting fate).

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Wide Boy Jake said :

johnboy said :

Well if there was I don’t think we’d be giving a stuff about the website.

I don’t know about anybody else, but when our power was off for four days during and after the bushfires and I couldn’t get access to the Net I felt isolated and cut off from the rest of the world.

I don’t know whether to laugh, cry or just beat my head against the wall at this comment.

“Cut off from the rest of the world” ??!!

Without trying to sound too pointed, most people during this time were actually finding out about the ‘c’ word, Jake.


Switch off the laptop/PC and go and talk to some people face to face.

You can do it anytime, any place, anywhere, but this site actually enables that, and it’s been one of the surprising and unexpected joys of my 2008 to meet some really great people courtesy of RA.

They won’t bite (unless you ask them to and they’re up for it).

Gosh! I thought the meteor strike was disastrous ….

; )

A disaster wiping out the transact data centre and kramer’s house in belco would be a couple of orders of magnitude worse…

Wide Boy Jake5:52 pm 29 Sep 08

johnboy said :

Well if there was I don’t think we’d be giving a stuff about the website.

I don’t know about anybody else, but when our power was off for four days during and after the bushfires and I couldn’t get access to the Net I felt isolated and cut off from the rest of the world.

Wide Boy Jake5:48 pm 29 Sep 08

Site is a lot faster now, no longer have to wait 5 to ten seconds for it to load.

Well if there was I don’t think we’d be giving a stuff about the website.

The server is in the Transact data centre, whereas the backups go to my place in Belconnen. As if there could ever be a disaster in Canberra which could cause distruction on such a scale across the city πŸ˜‰

rest assured we have plans for things to come.

Kramer: I was thinking you should put it in at Nerdvana – in a “2003 Bushfires” scenario with widespread long power outages your house wouldn’t help for too long πŸ˜‰

Gungahlin Al9:58 am 29 Sep 08

Well done Kramer. Running very slickly today. Perhaps I can stop composing messages in Notepad now…

Nice job K man πŸ™‚

I am certain that the resellers amongst us are already formulating their plans for DR and will come forward soon…

or not.

me, I am on 2nd last day of Fin year, so better get back to it….

DR !?! Please Caf! I do too much DR as part of my day job to worry about it with Riot!

Seriously though, we do run backups of the site (which were the main reason for crashes on the old server), but we’re still a little way off having a redundant hot site (although my house isn’t too far off – I just need a much faster internet link & a UPS).

I’m sure some of you could manage it in all your spare time.


Forward planning is so important, after all ….

captainwhorebags9:14 am 29 Sep 08


So, what’s next on the techy side of the Riot? A disaster recovery site, so that the next time Canberra is laid waste by natural disaster, we can still dial in from the refugee camp and complain about the coffee?

tylersmayhem8:49 am 29 Sep 08

Performance of RA seems to be a millions times better. Sweet!

And we have lift-off ….

Way to go, Kramer!

canberra towie7:57 pm 28 Sep 08

Kramer said :

Even if you have an uber fast ADSL 2+ connection and live next door to the exchange, you’re still driving on the GDE of network performance compared to the four lane freeway of a real data centre network.

LOL good one !!

If you can read RA for free, perhaps you should balance it by getting a Premium subscription? :p I sure JohnBoy would be pleased πŸ™‚

Kramer said :

… the GDE of network performance …

Love it … *chuckle*

Vic Bitterman5:30 pm 28 Sep 08

I’m with Velocity. Does this mean that reading RiotAct is free? (ie from Vel to me is usually free!)

Even if you have an uber fast ADSL 2+ connection and live next door to the exchange, you’re still driving on the GDE of network performance compared to the four lane freeway of a real data centre network.

RA have a collocated server at the TransACT data centre. They’re not in the same class as normal users, and to have a similar level of service, your monthly subscriptions would go up by an order of magnitude. Of course, if you wanted to pay that much, I am sure your ISP would be interested to chat.

canberra towie4:22 pm 28 Sep 08

johnboy said :

Are you situated in the data centre?

No should i be ?? would i get faster internet if i were ?

I use Velocity and its fast and reliable. Transact let the team down occasionally with an outage.

Good luck with the cutover tonight. Leave Murphy at the door when you enter the building.

Are you situated in the data centre?

canberra towie11:43 am 28 Sep 08

Thanks to Velocity Internet who continue to provide our server hosting on their mega fast internet connection.

You guys must get looked after !! I also use velocity and there is nothing mega fast with my connection !!!

Yes, very exciting!! Hope all goes well tonight, Kramer, and thank you so much for all your hard work.

: )

Enjoy that six-pack!


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