My better half has had his third near death experience in 2 years as a result of yellow shirts (AKA tradespeople) not securing their load.
The first experience was on a 70km stretch of road in Belconnen, where a ladder flew off the back of a ute and landed upright about 5 metres directly in front of his motorbike. Needless to say he was happy about the ABS he had payed extra to have installed on his new beamer.
Another similar experience occurred a few months later, by which point he had learned to keep an even greater distance from any yellow shirt’s ute. This time however it was a large piece of masonite flying through the air in his direction on the tuggers parkway.
Yesterday his leisurely ride home from work on the parkway was interrupted by another ladder going flying with a piece of masonite right in front of him creating another near death experience.
This leads me to a few points:
- 1. Is anyone policing the tying down of loads? If so, there obviously isn’t a great enough deterrent occurring. All the emphasis on ridiculous speed cameras etc with no emphasis on other types of road safety indicates even more that it is simply revenue raising. How about an education campaign for how to secure down loads properly?
2. It is only a matter of time before a motor cyclist (or motorist for that matter) is killed or seriously injured from this occurrence, I just hope it’s not my husband
3. Even if you were in your car there would be serious consequences of a ladder flying into your windscreen at 100km per hour.
So my question is, is this just a matter of “everything happens in threes” and therefore not that common for anyone other than my hubby?
I am not usually on the road at yellow shirt peak hour (~7:30am and ~4:00pm) so I don’t have a comparable base to start from. Anyone else see loads going flying on a regular basis?