Interesting that on our Ballot papers it states: Number five boxes from 1 to 5 in the order of your choice. Then under that: you may then show as many further preferences as you wish by writing numbers from 6 onwards in other boxes. At the bottom of the page you get: Remember, number at least 5 boxes from 1 to 5 in the order of your choice.
Actually according to the website (and the electoral Act):
For ACT Legislative Assembly elections, a “formal” ballot paper is one that is correctly marked by a voter to show at least one first preference.
That’s it. You only had to put a 1 in 1 box. The instructions on the ballot paper and all the associated material never mention this. This is so misleading! I struggled to find one candidate worth voting for let alone 5. This deception benefits the Major Parties as you are forced to put preferences and if you vote for an Independent or someone as unlikely to get elected then basically all your vote is worth is the preferences. As far as I’m concerned Elections A.C.T. stole 4 votes off me, and I want them back.