20 February 2013

PHOTOWALK Canberra coincides with ENLIGHTEN Canberra

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Photowalk is a chance for any person no matter what age or ability to get together and have a lovely walk, get some fresh air and meet other photographically minded people. It is meant to be all inclusive whether you own a DSLR, a compact or just a phone-cam.

These walks happen once a quarter and this is our fifth PHOTOWALK Canberra, so far.

IT IS NOT A COMPETITION. It is just a way to meet other interesting people to learn a little bit and to have a yarn and a laugh.

Ownership of the images is retained by each individual and each person is urged to share their creations in the Flickr group (http://www.flickr.com/groups/photowalk_canberra/ with family and friends and through social media. Join our group!

This is also a way to show our bit of the world, Canberra our home, as seen by our eyes and this being Canberra’s birthday year, what better year to celebrate it! AND, ENLIGHTEN IS ON SO its perfect for our Sunset/night time PHOTOWALK!

The next walk on the Sunday the 3rd March at 6pm . We are going to at Regatta Point and walk from there towards the Carillion and back again.

People can join the Flickr group http://www.flickr.com/groups/photowalk_canberra/ and at the end of each walk upload their images to share which is great, as you get to see everyone’s different creations.

Towards the middle of the year I am hoping to have enough images to make a book to give to the National Library of Australia as a record and also to give to the people of Canberra, by the people of Canberra. I am going to get together a crowd funding campaign to raise funds for the book’s printing costs. It will also be available to purchase to anyone who’d like a copy after that. So come along and have some fun!

FOLLOW @PHOTOWALKCanber on twitter or the website www.hwp.com.au/photowalk-canberra

CONTACT: Hilary Wardhaugh Ph: 0418255416 hilary@hwp.com.au


6pm-8pm Sunday 3rd March- Meeting at Regatta Point

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You can double up and do the Drink and Click photowalk on Saturday March 2nd, then go to this, the more sober Photowalk on Sunday 3rd…


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