[First filed: November 05, 2008 @ 11:01]
ABC is reporting that Shane Rattenbury has been elected Speaker of the Assembly.
“Interesting times” indeed.
[ED – So we’ve now got signs of real compromise from Labor. Also Shane would appear to have been cast out of the sewing circle leaving the ladies free to undertake the politicking.]
UPDATED: The Greens have now got a media release up:
- ““I understand the role of Speaker is a demanding one, and it will be a fairly steep learning curve to start. But I am confident, with my legal training and recent experience in leading the Greenpeace delegation at the vital climate change negotiations in Bali, I will develop the necessary skills quickly.”
“There has also been a lot of argument between ALP and the Liberal parties about the need to have a ‘government’ or an ‘anti-government’ Speaker. As a member of the third party in this Assembly I am confident I will be able to find a non partisan approach in managing the business in the chamber.”
“I am also looking forward to building on the work of the past Speaker in looking to give the Assembly a stronger role on in public life.”
“The ACT Assembly is a small and flexible parliament and it is usual for the Speaker to also contribute to the development of legislation and debate. I intend adding to that record by taking an active role in pursuing key issues, climate change in particular” Mr Rattenbury said.”
But what do we think of a speaker who doesn’t wear a tie?