Last night I went to investigate the new urinals that have been placed in Civic. Why? For you dear Rioters. I did it for you. As you can see from the above image they have placed them in quiet, private, out of the way areas. Areas such as one of the primary bus stops on Alinga St. Right next to a streetlamp. Because privacy.
Also you see they’ve placed rather large doors to increase the privacy available to the urine-ees.
Climbing into a urinal to examine the facilities I discovered three things.
1. The doors sit well below ‘business’ level, meaning they won’t actually provide privacy to anyone over 5 foot tall.
2. As soon as you step into a urinal you can expect a large group of people to approach you and ask what you are doing, and how you are finding it.
3. Despite points 1 and 2, people must still be using these toilets as they smelt horrible.
[Photos courtesy of Adam Thomas]