[First filed: September 12, 2009 @ 23:15]
It was a nice mixture of old and new faces, from the previous Tweed Ride, that braved the mean streets of Canberra bringing sartorial elegance and civility to the benighted denizens of our city.
When I left the ride around four a lovely time had been had by all. We started behind the War Memorial, scooted through Civic, over Commonwealth Avenue, along the southern shore of the lake stopping for a photo break near Commonwealth Place, then over Kings Avenue to finish up near the castle in Commonwealth Park where passing Floriadists could gawp.
After a picnic the Chap’nwealth Games took place which were mostly denoted by the ability to cycle a course with a glass of spirits before downing the remains on completion. As drinking games go it was hard work and the top riders were becoming worse for wear by the finale.
This activity was followed by competitive “hearty greetings”, and then a good old fashioned game of cricket which, thanks to strict tippety rules and one-hand/one-bounce catching was over astonishingly quickly.
Good clean fun and highly recommended should future opportunities arise.
Slideshow below: