Just because you don’t own your house, doesn’t mean that you should need to wear a ski jacket in the lounge room or be worried about turning the heater on. Former ABC TV Carbon Cop Lish Fejer is coming to the Canberra Environment Centre for a special workshop covering the simple steps that renters can take to keep the house warm without having to spend money.
Lish will show you how to get the most out of your living space, save money and reduce your carbon footprint. The workshop takes place at the Canberra Environment Centre on Thursday the 16th of May at 6pm and will provide renters with some easy to execute strategies to keep the house warm and comfortable through the long winter ahead.
Date: Thursday 16th May
Time: 6pm – 7.30pm
Cost: $15 or $10 for Concessions
Location: Canberra Environment Centre
Limited places available and bookings are essential. Please contact workshops@ecoaction.com.au or phone 6248 0885 to book.