Rates are a stable source of revenue for the ACT Government. Photo: Michelle Kroll.
Average residential general rates will increase by 3.75 per cent in the ACT in 2023-24, consistent with each year of stage three of the government’s tax reform program.
According to the Budget papers, residential general rates revenue is estimated to be $479.0 million in 2022-23, increasing 3.9 per cent to $497.7 million in 2023-24.
Residential rates revenue is estimated to grow 5.1 per cent a year on average over the forward estimates reaching $585.0 million in 2026‑27.
Increases in 2023-24 for houses range from just 1 per cent in Braddon, Dickson and Denman Prospect to 7 per cent in Duffy, Amaroo and Whitlam.
For units, rate rises will range from 1 per cent in Coombs, Denman Prospect, Strathnairn and Taylor to 10 per cent in Forde.
See what your suburb will pay on average.