The ACT Democrats have announced their first three candidates for the October ACT elections.
The candidates are:
Molonglo: Greg Tannahill, 28, whose interests include affordable housing, education, public transport and our videogame censorship laws.
Ginninderra: Marilyn Kay Dennis, 61, whose interests include public transport, low-income families and arts and culture.
Ginninderra: Darren Churchill, 43, the party President, whose interests include general transport, education, sustainability and governmental reform.
The federally registered party will contest the election in the Ungrouped column, as it is not registered in the ACT, and because the ACT’s electoral law will not allow it re-register in the same electoral cycle as when it lost registration.
The Democrats endorsed all three candidates last week and expect more to come on board as the election gets closer.
“We’ve got a good mix of candidates, a variety of ages, male and female, all with different backgrounds” Mr Churchill said.
The ACT Democrats first became active in Canberra politics in the ACT’s old House of Assembly, with Gordon Walsh and Ivor Vivian being strong advocates of ACT Self-Government from 1979 to 1985. The Democrats have contested every election since self-government, with Roslyn Dundas elected as member for Ginninderra from 2001 to 2004.
“The Democrats have 31 years of parliamentary experience to draw on. We are the natural party of the crossbenches, the negotiators. Four years of majority government in the ACT has been a disaster. Labor has been able to rush through any legislation it chooses. A Liberal majority government would be no better.”
“When there was a Democrat in the Assembly (Roslyn Dundas) from 2001 to 2004 things were different. We intend to make that difference again.”
“The only way to ensure fair legislation and make whoever governs accountable is by electing the ACT Democrats to Keep the Bastards Honest!” concluded Mr Churchill, emphasising the Democrats mission statement.
Darren Churchill
ACT Democrats President
Tel: 0412 196 473