[Story first Posted on 10.21.05 by johnboy @ 3:22 pm]
The Chief Minister is circulating a press release (our copy is here, I imagine he’ll get it online someday soon) in which he expresses shock and horror at the inevitable consequence of his actions.
Chief Minister Jon Stanhope said the ACT Government had been informed by email today that the latest draft of the Anti-Terrorism Bill was about to be forwarded from the Commonwealth Office of Parliamentary Counsel, but that the office had been instructed not to provide the ACT with a copy.
However I think he’s over-egging the pudding with this expostulation:
â€I am astounded and dismayed that the Commonwealth takes it upon itself to lock out of the process one of the parties upon whose support it relies. Rarely has the obvious contempt of the current Federal Government for the people of the ACT been so blatant.
C’mon Mr. Stanhope, this was an inevitable consequence of your principled stand.
Anyway if they don’t want to share their crappy laws with us then I guess we’ll just have to muddle by without them. Just as we have since Magna Carta.
UPDATED: Google News have a huge number of stories on this. Most interestingly the ABC posted a story at 1am in which the Prime Minister calls Mr. Stanhope a liar.
“He’ll be getting all drafts, he won’t have missed anything, I can assure the people of the ACT that,” he said.
“The ACT will be receiving all future drafts of this legislation.
“I want the agreement of all governments and there is no purpose served, I have decided, in the people of the ACT being treated with the discourtesy that Mr Stanhope displayed towards his fellow leaders.”
Murdoch’s News published the story three hours earlier at 10pm [According to google news] working from AAP.
The obvious course is for Mr. Stanhope to print a copy of the email he says he received on his now legendary website.