Business Coach Tony Ozanne is after business owners for an interview project:
As a part of the Canberra 100 celebrations, I am (in an unofficial way) seeking to interview 100 business owners in what I am calling the ‘small’ interview project.
The name has a couple of meanings – small being for small business, and it is only a 5 minute interview with 6 questions, so it too is small.
The questions are the same for each interview as well as the chance to give your business a plug with the ‘What do you do?’ question at the start.
All videos are published on a dedicated page, You Tube and shared on social media to promote your thoughts and the ultimate plan is to use all the content to make an e-book for all participants along with some analysis of the answers given as a group.
The project started early March and currently about 15 interviews have been posted. To view them or to find out more information and see the questions visit
the-small-interview-project-2013/ or to take part and spend a ‘painless’ 10-15 minutes email