So I was at the mall this morning having a coffee with my wife when I noticed this dude dressed all in black walking towards us. The general vibe the guy was putting out seemed unusual, so I had a closer look. The outfit consisted of black tactical gear, including cargo pants and military style boots with the pants bloused. What really caught my eye though, was that he was carrying a handgun in a hip holster. It was a large polymer framed semi-auto like a Glock or a S&W M&P. This was disturbing, to say the least.
He walked past where we were sitting, and I saw that he had the word “Security” in white letters on the back of his shirt, which didn’t make me feel better at all. I’ve seen lots of armed security guards over the years, and this guy didn’t look anything like them. He was just walking along in the mall, and as far as I could tell he wasn’t specifically guarding anything, and he didn’t appear to be part of a team.
Is this a new Westfield thing? I really don’t like the idea of rentacops in intimidating looking tactical gear carrying guns around the mall on Sunday morning while I’m doing my shopping.