TAMS gives word that the cull is over, the parks are re-opening, and 1149 delicious kangaroo carcasses are going to waste (along with 355 joeys):
The ACT Government wishes to advise that Callum Brae Nature Reserve, Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve (and adjacent unleased territory land), Kama Nature Reserve, Mulanggari Nature Reserve, Mt Painter Nature Reserve, Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve and The Pinnacle Nature Reserve (and adjacent unleased territory land) re-open to the public at midday today.
The sites had been closed since 11 July 2013 to allow for a conservation cull of over-abundant kangaroos to take place.
“A total of 1149 kangaroos have been culled as part of the ACT Government’s ongoing program to protect these grassland and woodland sites from overgrazing,” said Director, Parks and Conservation, Daniel Iglesias.
“An additional 355 pouch young, the majority of which were very small and unfurred due to the timing of the cull, were also killed.
Right down the end they do note they managed to use 15% of the meat as fox baits.