The ABS Census website allows you to slice and dice the population statistics in many possible ways. It finally gives us a tool to satisfy the age old question: Which is better – Tuggeranong or Belconnen?
Tuggeranong – 87,119 persons – 49.2% males, 50.8% females 1.6% Indigenous
Belconnen – 84,382 persons – 49.3% males 50.7% females 1.2% Indigenous
Tuggeranong – median age 33, 22.7% children
Belconnen – median age 34, 18.8% children
Tuggeranong – Catholic 31.1%, No Religion 20.3%, Anglican 18.5%
Belconnen – Catholic 27.6%, No Religion 23.3%, Anglican 16.3%
Marital Status
Tuggeranong – 51.2% married, 34.3% never married, 11.8% separated or divorced and 2.7% widowed
Belconnen – 48.5% married, 37.0% never married, 10.5% separated or divorced and 4.0% widowed.
Tuggeranong – Median weekly income – $703 individual $1,547 household
Belconnen – Median weekly income – $680 individual $1,440 household
Tuggeranong – 52.9% with children, 28.8% without children, 17.1% one parent families
Belconnen – 46.5% with children, 36.3% without children, 15.4% one parent families
Tuggeranong – median weekly rent $250, median monthly loan repayment $1,408
Belconnen – median weekly rent $250, median monthly loan repayment $1,400
Tuggeranong – Year 12 or above 55%
Belconnen – Year 12 or above 61%
So the typical Tuggeranongite is slightly younger, more religious, more likely to have kids, more likely to be or have been married, earn more but be less educated that the typical Belconnenian.