Bin collection industrial action previously notified for this Friday has been cancelled following a meeting of drivers employed by household waste and recycling bin collection company SUEZ.
This means residents whose bins are scheduled for collection on a Friday should put their bins out this week as per usual.
Contingency arrangements currently in place to assist residents whose waste and recycling bins were not collected on Monday and Tuesday this week due to industrial action will remain in place until Sunday.
These include:
• Five temporary drop-off points in Phillip, Calwell, Kambah, Weston Creek and Tuggeranong available from 6am to 8pm each day
• Acceptance of excess waste (up to two large plastic garbage bags or the equivalent of a green bin in volume) for free at the Mugga Lane and Mitchell Resource Management Centres
• Additional collection services at regional recycling drop-off centres to help cope with the expected increase in the recyclable material being disposed of by affected residents.
These measures have been well used with staff on hand to help residents dispose of their waste and recycling.
Michael Trushell, Director of ACT NOWaste, says that while industrial action has been cancelled for this Friday, further industrial action may be lawfully undertaken up to Wednesday, June 8.
“We encourage residents to continue to be mindful of their waste generation over the next couple weeks,” Mr Trushell said.
“By minimising the amount of waste created, people may be able to help their friends, family or neighbours by offering them any room they have in their bin to dispose of excess waste.
“The ACT Government will keep the community informed of the any further industrial action.”
Information is available on the Territory and Municipal Services website at www.tams.act.gov.au, by following @tamsmediaroom on Twitter, liking the ACT Government Facebook page, downloading the free MyWaste app or by calling Access Canberra on 13 22 81.