19 April 2016

Bronwyn Bishop and the trough of entitlement

| John Hargreaves
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bronwyn bishop

Hi there from the Apple Isle. I’m doing a Grumpy Old Grandad’s Terror Tour of Tassie with an old mate of mine. He’s 75 and I’m a bit younger.

The trip down the Hume Highway was great – easy as!

The trip across the ditch on the boat was another thing altogether. Sick as!

A lay over in north Tassie saw us refreshed and off down the east coast, sucking in great scenery, eating great food and talking to the two-headed locals.

Here in Tassie, they talk about all things local: the footy, the weather and things that irritate them.

Tassie TV is interesting! With the usual dog bites man stories where untold misery is afflicting the populace, there is interest in things federally political. Bronnie is all over Tassie!

Such a sad face doing the act of contrition two weeks after confession finished in the Church of Popular Opinion.

For old Laborites, she is the gift who keeps on giving. Just because she fell on her sceptre, doesn’t mean she won’t be the source of distraction all the way to the election.

I was watching The Drum the other night and a bloke there reminded me of when Bronnie was in the senate and performing at the senate estimates committees. He reminded us that she vilified, badgered and bullied public servants, diminishing them for their snouts being in the trough. What goes around, comes around.

Well, what is it about going to fundraisers in a chopper, getting the taxpayer to pay for the transport to some friends’ weddings (but paying back months after the event and only after being sprung), drinking out of an official gift tea seli gift to the Parliament from the Queen, a thousand bucks of limo travel in a day, doesn’t smack of a hooter in the trough?

What is it about using the speaker’s office as a fundraising venue didn’t she get?

Here are a couple of reasons why she had to go.

She had her nose firmly stuck in the trough of entitlement. She has been sprung and found guilty of misusing her office to a greater degree than Peter Slipper who had the grace to stand aside while being investigated.

She continually delivers a distraction to government policies and propaganda.

She has lost the confidence of too many of her colleagues.

She showed the most political partisanship in this high office unparralelled in history.

I was an assistant speaker for many years and met many speakers from both persuasions right across the Commonwealth. All of them had my respect as guardians of the dignity of the parliament.

The biggest sin for which she should have resigned is her abrogation of her sacred duty to the parliament itself. She was the most partisan speaker in 600 years.


Unlike the ACT, bless us all, Tassie is not a Labor stronghold. It is bi-political and quite swinging in its political preferences. But they know a scandal when they see one. This had the smell of political roadkill in the air! The body is on the side of the road.

But again, as an old Laborite, I don’t want her going anywhere. Just as I don’t want Captn Tony going anywhere.

I can wait for the election to run its own course. The punter put Tony et al, including Bronnie, in, and he will pay dearly for the blight he has brought to our doorsteps.

The quote of the week has to go to Gerard Henderson on a breakfast program on Thursday, when talking about his new book on B.A.Santamaria. Gerard said “he was born at a very young age.”!

Go Gerard!

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tooltime said :

Vintage 123 said:
Surely your not suggesting the governments Significant Investor Scheme (SIS) is a bad thing. Isn’t it innovative that we seek $5 million of a rich person in return for a permanent residency visa.

Most countries run similar schemes, so its not innovative. My solution is to encourage entrepreneurship, job creation, innovation and value adding to our exports as you allude to below. Not anyone waving a $5 million dollar cheque around, looking for a capital city,waterfront residential property like we have now.

Vintage 123 said: How else can we balance the so called economics 101 trade deficit?

By adding value to our exports, and building a highly skilled, globally competitive, innovative workforce. Look at Switzerlands Life Science/Biotechnology/Health sectors as a great example. The few examples we have in this space you mention, CSL, Cochlear and Blackmores. My fear is we’ve already been left behind in most other sectors.

Vintage 123 said: I mean iron ore sat at US$20 a tonne for close to 40 years. Those $150 a tonne mining boom times weren’t going to last forever. That’s why it was so important to ensure the government cashed in an them. Mining tax ring bells?

But they didn’t. Instead they dreamt up the NDIS at a starting cost of ~ $10 BILLION pa (it goes up from there) when its rolled out nationwide in 2018. Because successive governments have either failed to provide any incentives to do so or have built policy around stupid macroeconomic theories like level playing fields. They have killed manufacturing and innovation in this country on some ridiculous theory that we couldn’t compete anyway and consumers just want lower prices. Ever wondered why we are good only at digging dirt out of the ground and selling it at whatever the going rate is? It is because that’s all we have left. We don’t make socks, clothes, paper, steel or anything much else. We ship out the dirt, woodchips, raw fruit and vegetables and then we reimport the more expensive finished products, enriching businesses in some other country. And as we roll through an inevitable resources bust (it’s the commodity cycle, stupid) like a slow-motion train wreck, our leaders have left us providing nothing else but banking services and cafe lattes to each other.

Vintage 123 said:But anyway we can always export our cars, oh no we stuffed that up also at a time the dollar was at record highs. We all loved our cheaper imports then, but hey, I am sure we won’t all be paying $60k for a corolla soon. Let’s keep the export of expert education and cochlear hearing aids going, we will right!!!

Re: govt spending on the car industry. The $12B spent has only delayed the inevitable. Imagine if the govt had invested that $12B in an industry that is growing rather then shrinking, ie bio science, solar, wind, renewable energy, building ports, etc…. Instead of saving what amounts to “zero jobs in the end” we would have probably created thousands of jobs that the govt would never have had to contribute another cent towards…. Spending money on dying industries is like investing in a dud company. It might feel good to be able to help, but ultimately your just delaying the inevitable and going to get a massive loss on investment. Spending money to accelerate the growth of an industry would likely return the govt money in taxes, jobs, productivity and even as dividends if they structured it correctly.

Vintage 123 said: Well, what are the farmers meant to do? There’s no pension for ya if you stay on the farm, so farmers see the city folk in their multi million dollar homes still receiving their pensions and think, hey this ain’t fair, I have slogged my guts out for years on this farm and don’t get a government pension if I stay in my own home? What the!!!!! Up goes for the for sale sign as they get old and truely run out of money and how many buyers are young aspiring australian farmers = nil. So if a chinese buyers offers cash then what are meant to do? Surely you don’t expect them to not sell whilst going broke on no income as they reach age 70 do you?

You retire to the coast, or take the fat cheque & move to a location that supports farming business. Older article, but the last few lines sum it up nicely… http://www.theland.com.au/news/agriculture/agribusiness/general-news/austasia-milks-china-market/2678038.aspx?storypage=0

Ha, good stuff, you made me laugh.

Vintage 123 said:
Surely your not suggesting the governments Significant Investor Scheme (SIS) is a bad thing. Isn’t it innovative that we seek $5 million of a rich person in return for a permanent residency visa.

Most countries run similar schemes, so its not innovative. My solution is to encourage entrepreneurship, job creation, innovation and value adding to our exports as you allude to below. Not anyone waving a $5 million dollar cheque around, looking for a capital city,waterfront residential property like we have now.

Vintage 123 said: How else can we balance the so called economics 101 trade deficit?

By adding value to our exports, and building a highly skilled, globally competitive, innovative workforce. Look at Switzerlands Life Science/Biotechnology/Health sectors as a great example. The few examples we have in this space you mention, CSL, Cochlear and Blackmores. My fear is we’ve already been left behind in most other sectors.

Vintage 123 said: I mean iron ore sat at US$20 a tonne for close to 40 years. Those $150 a tonne mining boom times weren’t going to last forever. That’s why it was so important to ensure the government cashed in an them. Mining tax ring bells?

But they didn’t. Instead they dreamt up the NDIS at a starting cost of ~ $10 BILLION pa (it goes up from there) when its rolled out nationwide in 2018. Because successive governments have either failed to provide any incentives to do so or have built policy around stupid macroeconomic theories like level playing fields. They have killed manufacturing and innovation in this country on some ridiculous theory that we couldn’t compete anyway and consumers just want lower prices. Ever wondered why we are good only at digging dirt out of the ground and selling it at whatever the going rate is? It is because that’s all we have left. We don’t make socks, clothes, paper, steel or anything much else. We ship out the dirt, woodchips, raw fruit and vegetables and then we reimport the more expensive finished products, enriching businesses in some other country. And as we roll through an inevitable resources bust (it’s the commodity cycle, stupid) like a slow-motion train wreck, our leaders have left us providing nothing else but banking services and cafe lattes to each other.

Vintage 123 said:But anyway we can always export our cars, oh no we stuffed that up also at a time the dollar was at record highs. We all loved our cheaper imports then, but hey, I am sure we won’t all be paying $60k for a corolla soon. Let’s keep the export of expert education and cochlear hearing aids going, we will right!!!

Re: govt spending on the car industry. The $12B spent has only delayed the inevitable. Imagine if the govt had invested that $12B in an industry that is growing rather then shrinking, ie bio science, solar, wind, renewable energy, building ports, etc…. Instead of saving what amounts to “zero jobs in the end” we would have probably created thousands of jobs that the govt would never have had to contribute another cent towards…. Spending money on dying industries is like investing in a dud company. It might feel good to be able to help, but ultimately your just delaying the inevitable and going to get a massive loss on investment. Spending money to accelerate the growth of an industry would likely return the govt money in taxes, jobs, productivity and even as dividends if they structured it correctly.

Vintage 123 said: Well, what are the farmers meant to do? There’s no pension for ya if you stay on the farm, so farmers see the city folk in their multi million dollar homes still receiving their pensions and think, hey this ain’t fair, I have slogged my guts out for years on this farm and don’t get a government pension if I stay in my own home? What the!!!!! Up goes for the for sale sign as they get old and truely run out of money and how many buyers are young aspiring australian farmers = nil. So if a chinese buyers offers cash then what are meant to do? Surely you don’t expect them to not sell whilst going broke on no income as they reach age 70 do you?

You retire to the coast, or take the fat cheque & move to a location that supports farming business. Older article, but the last few lines sum it up nicely… http://www.theland.com.au/news/agriculture/agribusiness/general-news/austasia-milks-china-market/2678038.aspx?storypage=0

John Hargreaves8:40 pm 05 Aug 15

vintage123 said :

Hey john, surely you are edjumakated enuff to know the relevance of the quote “I was born at a very young age”, and who is famous for quoting it.

It’s not hard to link this quote with that same persons third most famous quote, which Gerard may have been eluding too, “please accept my resignation, I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as members”, but then again it was all about his book release and therefore this persons most famous quote is more likely the Segway “a likely story – and probably true”.

Or has it all sailed smoothly over your head?

Groucho Marx 1890 – 1977

Yeah but you could tell by his voice that it was an accident.

dungfungus said :

rubaiyat said :

The RBA was very satisfied with Labor’s management of the GFC and the post GFC economy. At regular intervals pointing out the nonsense of Abbotts claims as to excessive debt.

They have not been so happy with having to force the interest rates to such low levels and encouraging the same speculation and property inflation that lead to Americas big crash.


Dungfungus unsurpringly you are very selective when you choose to reinforce your biases, believing the weather bureau when it suits, certain fringe scientists outside their areas of expertise and now the rba when it doesn’t explicitly criticise the government, which it never does.

Despite its bumbling and driving Australia into further debt because it refuses to collect tax from its mates.

“..believing the weather bureau when it suits….”.
I have always said seeing is believing and with BOM forecasts one can check the weather map as proof.
Weather maps are real time, man made climate change may be something for the future and computer modelling isn’t proof.

What debt? I can’t see any debt.

Computer modelling of debt isn’t proof.

This isn’t money like when I went to school and we piled it all up at the tuckshop and counted it.

There, all gone!

Next problem… I learn fast Sensai!

“Low interest rates equal low inflation.”
…and low investment, which leads to low productivity and puts the brakes on growth. Neither high interest rates nor high inflation are *necessarily* a bad thing if the overall picture is good.
Overlooking their irrational assault on renewable technologies, the overriding purpose of the current government is to deflate wages. (not their own, nor the income of their donors, obviously). They can camouflage increasing unemployment by continuing to promote growth in part-time work.

Yeah, good points, inflation thou not necessarily, consumer sentiment plays a considerable part in there. I think the government needs to re think australias position in the international scheme of things, just because we dodged a bullet during the GFC, does not mean we are now bullet proof. If you step back and unemotionally review australias position, it’s not nearly as secure as we think it is. Our reliance on commodities is scary, as is our exposure to the chinese consumer market. We overvalue our services as thou we are self appointed experts on world issues because of our low debt. Our household debt is up there, and the drop in currency rapid considering our perceived value. Ironically we have some serious similiarities with 1923 Germany. For those who have not studied economics, here is a basic summary. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar_Republic

dungfungus said :

JC said :

So Labor was in power during the GFC and average a $39.5b (really $36.2b) deficit, the Liebrals been in power two years and have not improved the situation, in fact their average is HIGHER than Labor at $43.5b, despite the GFC long being over. Yet they would have us believe they have the answers and are ‘fixing’ things. Despite the trend being more debt and increasing deficits. But look over their, labor stole my home work. Please.


Labor debt = good.
Coalition debt = bad

And DungFungus demonstrates that the fantastical belief that the current Libs are demonstrating anything but economic ineptitude is not based on any kind of appraisal of the facts.

Labor’s debt was less.
Liberal debt is more.
Labor’s debt was being runup during the GFC.
Liberal’s debt is being runup post-GFC.

If you want to continue touting the mythical “big bad Labor debt” as a *bad* thing, then by definition, the current larger, Liberal, debt is a worse thing.

Your beliefs are incoherent and illogical.

I’ve also noted a few more bits of nonsense in this thread:

dungfungus said :

Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer

What is it about Lib supporters that they care so little about the truth? Gillard tried to stay off the bandwagon of trying Thomson in the Kangaroo Court of the press. She stated numerous times that she wasn’t going to sack anybody until accusations were actually investigated.
Gillard’s approach was spot on, and those demanding she issue a pre-trial judgment were demonstrating utter idiocy.

“Borders under control. Were they ever out of control?”
Duh. What is it about Labor supporters that they can remain in such a deluded state. Tens of thousands of uninvited immigrants were entering this country illegally, with thousands dying at sea on the way, a policy catastrophe caused by Rudd as soon as he entered office.

“When the coalition was in government in 2007 there was no deficit, no debt and $40 billion in the bank.
What happened?”
What happened was we got an adult government that stopped cooking the books by balancing recurrent costs with the proceeds of one-off asset sales.
The current structural issues with the economy were largely caused by John Howard, whose government was labelled by the IMF as the most profligate economic mis-managers in living memory.

“Low interest rates equal low inflation.”
…and low investment, which leads to low productivity and puts the brakes on growth. Neither high interest rates nor high inflation are *necessarily* a bad thing if the overall picture is good.
Overlooking their irrational assault on renewable technologies, the overriding purpose of the current government is to deflate wages. (not their own, nor the income of their donors, obviously). They can camouflage increasing unemployment by continuing to promote growth in part-time work.

JC said :

dungfungus said :

JC said :

dungfungus said :

JC said :

vintage123 said :

JC said :

dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

AAA credit rating obtained by previous governments fiscal policies in particular the stimulus that kept us out of the GFC. Now at risk due to current government policies.

Low mortage rates, is that a good thing or bad. Seems when in oppoisition the Liebrals were saying this is a bad things, show the economy is up the creek, yada yada yada, but now good.

Unemployment manageable. Well depends what you consider managable, but the trend is unemployment rising.

Borders under control. Were they ever out of control? A few thousand refugees is hardly out of control, but if you call dog whislting to bogans an acheivement, then yes job done.

FTA’s with other countries. All started under the previous government, and in some cases the last Liebral government. So really a bipartisan acheivement, though some appear to have been signed in haste.

Borrowing less per day? Really, how can that be when the debt has increased signicantly?

Everything in politics is relative. Yep can agree with this statement.

Ok I am going to bite.

The mining boom and the liberal surplus kept us out of the GFC. Labour just spent it.

Low interest rates equal low inflation. Inflation and consumer confidence are the monitors for market strength.

Unemployment is surprisingly steady when you consider australias reliance on iron ore to fuel GDP.

Yes the boarders were unsecured during the labour government, as 50000 illegal immigrants arrived by boat. 50k is alot of unauthorised people arriving. Luckily they did not have weapons.

Borrowing less per day because they are spending less per day, so you don’t need a math degree to work that out.

The FTAs have been signed under the current government, something the previous government could not obtain.

Borrowing less because they are spending less hey? Really have you actually looked at the budget figures?

2014 budget, deficit estimate $47b, 2015 budget, deficit $29.8b, which increased to $40.4b by December 2014.

Now a deficit is the difference between income and spending, so in two years they have spent $87b, more than they have earned, and you are saying they have cut spending and are spending less.

The rest of your claims are just as rubbery.

My goodness, how did the economy get to such a parlous state in such a short time?
When the coalition was in government in 2007 there was no deficit, no debt and $40 billion in the bank.
What happened?

Umm, the $87b deterioration has been in the almost 2 years the Liebrals have been in power. And what now another $80b odd to BRING forward some new boats. Wonder what happened to this fiscal disaster.

Oh I will bite with what has happened since 2007. And the source is a Liebral party propaganda document, page 10 in the link below.

Under Labor
2008/2008 Deficit $27b
2009/2010 Deficit $54b
2010/2011 Deficit $47b
2011/2012 Deficit $43b
2012/2013 Deficit $19b
2013/2014 Deficit $47b (this of course includes the $20b that the Liebrals dumped on the budget when they came to power.

Average over 6 years $39.5b with the trend under the last two years being down, taking out the $20b the government dumped to make things look worse. Oh without that $20b dump the average would have been $36.2b.

So Labor was in power during the GFC and average a $39.5b (really $36.2b) deficit, the Liebrals been in power two years and have not improved the situation, in fact their average is HIGHER than Labor at $43.5b, despite the GFC long being over. Yet they would have us believe they have the answers and are ‘fixing’ things. Despite the trend being more debt and increasing deficits. But look over their, labor stole my home work. Please.


Labor debt = good.
Coalition debt = bad

Actually try Labor/Liebral managable debt=ok.

My issue with the Liebrals is their constant touting of debt crisis, Labor bad, Labor bad, yet since being in power are actually putting on even more debt, despite the GFC, which is what did lead to Labors debt being long over. Double standards. Just like Joe Hockey. When in oppoisition record low intrest rates, Labor bad, economy ruined, world coming to an end, but now in power it is all good.

BTW interest rates, too low=bad, too high=bad 4-7% economy doing ok.

I am not a huge fan of using interest rates as an indication of an economies health, as a lot of economists I prefer to use an inflationary measure, in economy doing ok terms, I would assume 2.75%.

As for labour V liberal, who cares. Just two points, I think all Australians should have benefited out of the mining boom, so whoever stuffed up the $40 billion we didn’t get for that should be fired, and as for what we can do now, scrap negative gearing and feed that $9 billion back into the economy. If you don’t do that then you should be fired. PS. Whilst we are at it, scrap fee less offshore short day trading and feed that $2 billion back into the coffers also. Think our trade deficit would be healthier at plus $+51 billion to the bottom line.

dungfungus said :

JC said :

dungfungus said :

JC said :

vintage123 said :

JC said :

dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

AAA credit rating obtained by previous governments fiscal policies in particular the stimulus that kept us out of the GFC. Now at risk due to current government policies.

Low mortage rates, is that a good thing or bad. Seems when in oppoisition the Liebrals were saying this is a bad things, show the economy is up the creek, yada yada yada, but now good.

Unemployment manageable. Well depends what you consider managable, but the trend is unemployment rising.

Borders under control. Were they ever out of control? A few thousand refugees is hardly out of control, but if you call dog whislting to bogans an acheivement, then yes job done.

FTA’s with other countries. All started under the previous government, and in some cases the last Liebral government. So really a bipartisan acheivement, though some appear to have been signed in haste.

Borrowing less per day? Really, how can that be when the debt has increased signicantly?

Everything in politics is relative. Yep can agree with this statement.

Ok I am going to bite.

The mining boom and the liberal surplus kept us out of the GFC. Labour just spent it.

Low interest rates equal low inflation. Inflation and consumer confidence are the monitors for market strength.

Unemployment is surprisingly steady when you consider australias reliance on iron ore to fuel GDP.

Yes the boarders were unsecured during the labour government, as 50000 illegal immigrants arrived by boat. 50k is alot of unauthorised people arriving. Luckily they did not have weapons.

Borrowing less per day because they are spending less per day, so you don’t need a math degree to work that out.

The FTAs have been signed under the current government, something the previous government could not obtain.

Borrowing less because they are spending less hey? Really have you actually looked at the budget figures?

2014 budget, deficit estimate $47b, 2015 budget, deficit $29.8b, which increased to $40.4b by December 2014.

Now a deficit is the difference between income and spending, so in two years they have spent $87b, more than they have earned, and you are saying they have cut spending and are spending less.

The rest of your claims are just as rubbery.

My goodness, how did the economy get to such a parlous state in such a short time?
When the coalition was in government in 2007 there was no deficit, no debt and $40 billion in the bank.
What happened?

Umm, the $87b deterioration has been in the almost 2 years the Liebrals have been in power. And what now another $80b odd to BRING forward some new boats. Wonder what happened to this fiscal disaster.

Oh I will bite with what has happened since 2007. And the source is a Liebral party propaganda document, page 10 in the link below.

Under Labor
2008/2008 Deficit $27b
2009/2010 Deficit $54b
2010/2011 Deficit $47b
2011/2012 Deficit $43b
2012/2013 Deficit $19b
2013/2014 Deficit $47b (this of course includes the $20b that the Liebrals dumped on the budget when they came to power.

Average over 6 years $39.5b with the trend under the last two years being down, taking out the $20b the government dumped to make things look worse. Oh without that $20b dump the average would have been $36.2b.

So Labor was in power during the GFC and average a $39.5b (really $36.2b) deficit, the Liebrals been in power two years and have not improved the situation, in fact their average is HIGHER than Labor at $43.5b, despite the GFC long being over. Yet they would have us believe they have the answers and are ‘fixing’ things. Despite the trend being more debt and increasing deficits. But look over their, labor stole my home work. Please.


Labor debt = good.
Coalition debt = bad

Actually try Labor/Liebral managable debt=ok.

My issue with the Liebrals is their constant touting of debt crisis, Labor bad, Labor bad, yet since being in power are actually putting on even more debt, despite the GFC, which is what did lead to Labors debt being long over. Double standards. Just like Joe Hockey. When in oppoisition record low intrest rates, Labor bad, economy ruined, world coming to an end, but now in power it is all good.

BTW interest rates, too low=bad, too high=bad 4-7% economy doing ok.

tooltime said :

Craig Thomson without the criminality?

I dunno, but if Bronny’s trips ain’t fraud, they ought to be.

Economics 101 – What folks dont realise is that in order to a current account deficit needs a capital account surplus. If we as a nation spend more on imports than our export income (rapidly shrinking on declining global iron ore and coal prices), we need foreign capital flowing inward to maintain our standards of living.

And to attract that inflow, we are selling our farms, businesses and property to foreigners.

We are on the path to serfdom, working longer hours to foreign landlords to make their grandchildren richer. We need not worry about a militay invasion – invasion via acquisition is already well underway…

Surely your not suggesting the governments Significant Investor Scheme (SIS) is a bad thing. Isn’t it innovative that we seek $5 million of a rich person in return for a permanent residency visa.

How else can we balance the so called economics 101 trade deficit. I mean iron ore sat at US$20 a tonne for close to 40 years. Those $150 a tonne mining boom times weren’t going to last forever. That’s why it was so important to ensure the government cashed in an them. Mining tax ring bells? Oh no we stuffed that up. But anyway we can always export our cars, oh no we stuffed that up also at a time the dollar was at record highs. We all loved our cheaper imports then, but hey, I am sure we won’t all be paying $60k for a corolla soon. Let’s keep the export of expert education and cochlear hearing aids going, we will right!!!

As for the farms, well what are the farmers meant to do? There’s no pension for ya if you stay on the farm, so farmers see the city folk in their multi million dollar homes still receiving their pensions and think, hey this ain’t fair, I have slogged my guts out for years on this farm and don’t get a government pension if I stay in my own home? What the!!!!! Up goes for the for sale sign as they get old and truely run out of money and how many buyers are young aspiring australian farmers = nil. So if a chinese buyers offers cash then what are meant to do? Surely you don’t expect them to not sell whilst going broke on no income as they reach age 70 do you?

If there was some form of equality for regional vs city people you wouldn’t see this occuring, it’s as simple as survival 101.

rubaiyat said :

The RBA was very satisfied with Labor’s management of the GFC and the post GFC economy. At regular intervals pointing out the nonsense of Abbotts claims as to excessive debt.

They have not been so happy with having to force the interest rates to such low levels and encouraging the same speculation and property inflation that lead to Americas big crash.


Dungfungus unsurpringly you are very selective when you choose to reinforce your biases, believing the weather bureau when it suits, certain fringe scientists outside their areas of expertise and now the rba when it doesn’t explicitly criticise the government, which it never does.

Despite its bumbling and driving Australia into further debt because it refuses to collect tax from its mates.

“..believing the weather bureau when it suits….”.
I have always said seeing is believing and with BOM forecasts one can check the weather map as proof.
Weather maps are real time, man made climate change may be something for the future and computer modelling isn’t proof.

The RBA was very satisfied with Labor’s management of the GFC and the post GFC economy. At regular intervals pointing out the nonsense of Abbotts claims as to excessive debt.

They have not been so happy with having to force the interest rates to such low levels and encouraging the same speculation and property inflation that lead to Americas big crash.


Dungfungus unsurpringly you are very selective when you choose to reinforce your biases, believing the weather bureau when it suits, certain fringe scientists outside their areas of expertise and now the rba when it doesn’t explicitly criticise the government, which it never does.

Despite its bumbling and driving Australia into further debt because it refuses to collect tax from its mates.

Craig Thomson without the criminality?

I dunno, but if Bronny’s trips ain’t fraud, they ought to be.

Economics 101 – What folks dont realise is that in order to a current account deficit needs a capital account surplus. If we as a nation spend more on imports than our export income (rapidly shrinking on declining global iron ore and coal prices), we need foreign capital flowing inward to maintain our standards of living.

And to attract that inflow, we are selling our farms, businesses and property to foreigners.

We are on the path to serfdom, working longer hours to foreign landlords to make their grandchildren richer. We need not worry about a militay invasion – invasion via acquisition is already well underway…

JC said :

dungfungus said :

JC said :

vintage123 said :

JC said :

dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

AAA credit rating obtained by previous governments fiscal policies in particular the stimulus that kept us out of the GFC. Now at risk due to current government policies.

Low mortage rates, is that a good thing or bad. Seems when in oppoisition the Liebrals were saying this is a bad things, show the economy is up the creek, yada yada yada, but now good.

Unemployment manageable. Well depends what you consider managable, but the trend is unemployment rising.

Borders under control. Were they ever out of control? A few thousand refugees is hardly out of control, but if you call dog whislting to bogans an acheivement, then yes job done.

FTA’s with other countries. All started under the previous government, and in some cases the last Liebral government. So really a bipartisan acheivement, though some appear to have been signed in haste.

Borrowing less per day? Really, how can that be when the debt has increased signicantly?

Everything in politics is relative. Yep can agree with this statement.

Ok I am going to bite.

The mining boom and the liberal surplus kept us out of the GFC. Labour just spent it.

Low interest rates equal low inflation. Inflation and consumer confidence are the monitors for market strength.

Unemployment is surprisingly steady when you consider australias reliance on iron ore to fuel GDP.

Yes the boarders were unsecured during the labour government, as 50000 illegal immigrants arrived by boat. 50k is alot of unauthorised people arriving. Luckily they did not have weapons.

Borrowing less per day because they are spending less per day, so you don’t need a math degree to work that out.

The FTAs have been signed under the current government, something the previous government could not obtain.

Borrowing less because they are spending less hey? Really have you actually looked at the budget figures?

2014 budget, deficit estimate $47b, 2015 budget, deficit $29.8b, which increased to $40.4b by December 2014.

Now a deficit is the difference between income and spending, so in two years they have spent $87b, more than they have earned, and you are saying they have cut spending and are spending less.

The rest of your claims are just as rubbery.

My goodness, how did the economy get to such a parlous state in such a short time?
When the coalition was in government in 2007 there was no deficit, no debt and $40 billion in the bank.
What happened?

Umm, the $87b deterioration has been in the almost 2 years the Liebrals have been in power. And what now another $80b odd to BRING forward some new boats. Wonder what happened to this fiscal disaster.

Oh I will bite with what has happened since 2007. And the source is a Liebral party propaganda document, page 10 in the link below.

Under Labor
2008/2008 Deficit $27b
2009/2010 Deficit $54b
2010/2011 Deficit $47b
2011/2012 Deficit $43b
2012/2013 Deficit $19b
2013/2014 Deficit $47b (this of course includes the $20b that the Liebrals dumped on the budget when they came to power.

Average over 6 years $39.5b with the trend under the last two years being down, taking out the $20b the government dumped to make things look worse. Oh without that $20b dump the average would have been $36.2b.

So Labor was in power during the GFC and average a $39.5b (really $36.2b) deficit, the Liebrals been in power two years and have not improved the situation, in fact their average is HIGHER than Labor at $43.5b, despite the GFC long being over. Yet they would have us believe they have the answers and are ‘fixing’ things. Despite the trend being more debt and increasing deficits. But look over their, labor stole my home work. Please.


Labor debt = good.
Coalition debt = bad

Blen_Carmichael10:06 pm 04 Aug 15

John Hargreaves said :

This office is the paramount position in the parliament. The position is supposed to be the embodiment of the dignity of the people’s parliament.

It is supposed to be above partisan participation in debates. It is supposed to chair debates without fear or favour.

Think back to previous Speakers if you will and you will remember nothing.

Hm, you’re right, John. I don’t recall the Labor MP Leo McLeay who became Speaker. I also don’t recall that he fell off his bicycle at Parliament House while he occupied the office of Speaker. Nor I do recall that he received $65K (approximately $110K) in public moneys for what appear to be an accident caused entirely by his negligence. I remember absolutely nothing about that, John.


dungfungus said :

JC said :

vintage123 said :

JC said :

dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

AAA credit rating obtained by previous governments fiscal policies in particular the stimulus that kept us out of the GFC. Now at risk due to current government policies.

Low mortage rates, is that a good thing or bad. Seems when in oppoisition the Liebrals were saying this is a bad things, show the economy is up the creek, yada yada yada, but now good.

Unemployment manageable. Well depends what you consider managable, but the trend is unemployment rising.

Borders under control. Were they ever out of control? A few thousand refugees is hardly out of control, but if you call dog whislting to bogans an acheivement, then yes job done.

FTA’s with other countries. All started under the previous government, and in some cases the last Liebral government. So really a bipartisan acheivement, though some appear to have been signed in haste.

Borrowing less per day? Really, how can that be when the debt has increased signicantly?

Everything in politics is relative. Yep can agree with this statement.

Ok I am going to bite.

The mining boom and the liberal surplus kept us out of the GFC. Labour just spent it.

Low interest rates equal low inflation. Inflation and consumer confidence are the monitors for market strength.

Unemployment is surprisingly steady when you consider australias reliance on iron ore to fuel GDP.

Yes the boarders were unsecured during the labour government, as 50000 illegal immigrants arrived by boat. 50k is alot of unauthorised people arriving. Luckily they did not have weapons.

Borrowing less per day because they are spending less per day, so you don’t need a math degree to work that out.

The FTAs have been signed under the current government, something the previous government could not obtain.

Borrowing less because they are spending less hey? Really have you actually looked at the budget figures?

2014 budget, deficit estimate $47b, 2015 budget, deficit $29.8b, which increased to $40.4b by December 2014.

Now a deficit is the difference between income and spending, so in two years they have spent $87b, more than they have earned, and you are saying they have cut spending and are spending less.

The rest of your claims are just as rubbery.

My goodness, how did the economy get to such a parlous state in such a short time?
When the coalition was in government in 2007 there was no deficit, no debt and $40 billion in the bank.
What happened?

Glen Stevens at the independent RBA seems to think everything is OK:

dungfungus said :

JC said :

vintage123 said :

JC said :

dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

AAA credit rating obtained by previous governments fiscal policies in particular the stimulus that kept us out of the GFC. Now at risk due to current government policies.

Low mortage rates, is that a good thing or bad. Seems when in oppoisition the Liebrals were saying this is a bad things, show the economy is up the creek, yada yada yada, but now good.

Unemployment manageable. Well depends what you consider managable, but the trend is unemployment rising.

Borders under control. Were they ever out of control? A few thousand refugees is hardly out of control, but if you call dog whislting to bogans an acheivement, then yes job done.

FTA’s with other countries. All started under the previous government, and in some cases the last Liebral government. So really a bipartisan acheivement, though some appear to have been signed in haste.

Borrowing less per day? Really, how can that be when the debt has increased signicantly?

Everything in politics is relative. Yep can agree with this statement.

Ok I am going to bite.

The mining boom and the liberal surplus kept us out of the GFC. Labour just spent it.

Low interest rates equal low inflation. Inflation and consumer confidence are the monitors for market strength.

Unemployment is surprisingly steady when you consider australias reliance on iron ore to fuel GDP.

Yes the boarders were unsecured during the labour government, as 50000 illegal immigrants arrived by boat. 50k is alot of unauthorised people arriving. Luckily they did not have weapons.

Borrowing less per day because they are spending less per day, so you don’t need a math degree to work that out.

The FTAs have been signed under the current government, something the previous government could not obtain.

Borrowing less because they are spending less hey? Really have you actually looked at the budget figures?

2014 budget, deficit estimate $47b, 2015 budget, deficit $29.8b, which increased to $40.4b by December 2014.

Now a deficit is the difference between income and spending, so in two years they have spent $87b, more than they have earned, and you are saying they have cut spending and are spending less.

The rest of your claims are just as rubbery.

My goodness, how did the economy get to such a parlous state in such a short time?
When the coalition was in government in 2007 there was no deficit, no debt and $40 billion in the bank.
What happened?

Umm, the $87b deterioration has been in the almost 2 years the Liebrals have been in power. And what now another $80b odd to BRING forward some new boats. Wonder what happened to this fiscal disaster.

Oh I will bite with what has happened since 2007. And the source is a Liebral party propaganda document, page 10 in the link below.

Under Labor
2008/2008 Deficit $27b
2009/2010 Deficit $54b
2010/2011 Deficit $47b
2011/2012 Deficit $43b
2012/2013 Deficit $19b
2013/2014 Deficit $47b (this of course includes the $20b that the Liebrals dumped on the budget when they came to power.

Average over 6 years $39.5b with the trend under the last two years being down, taking out the $20b the government dumped to make things look worse. Oh without that $20b dump the average would have been $36.2b.

So Labor was in power during the GFC and average a $39.5b (really $36.2b) deficit, the Liebrals been in power two years and have not improved the situation, in fact their average is HIGHER than Labor at $43.5b, despite the GFC long being over. Yet they would have us believe they have the answers and are ‘fixing’ things. Despite the trend being more debt and increasing deficits. But look over their, labor stole my home work. Please.


dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

dungfungus said :

No doubt about that; just as there was no doubt about Craig Thomson spending union members money in brothels and the Labor Party paying large amounts for his legal fees.

Not sure that the “LOOK OVER THERE!” defence really works in this instance.

I wasn’t defending her – I was simply pointing out the usual double standard in the way the media ignores similar transgressions from the other side of politics.

That’s because it’s yesterdays news. When it was happening it was being followed and to some extent it was dulled by quick action by the then PM.

rosscoact said :

dungfungus said :

No doubt about that; just as there was no doubt about Craig Thomson spending union members money in brothels and the Labor Party paying large amounts for his legal fees.

Not sure that the “LOOK OVER THERE!” defence really works in this instance.

I wasn’t defending her – I was simply pointing out the usual double standard in the way the media ignores similar transgressions from the other side of politics.

Simple solution to MPs entitlements. All expenses reported monthly and reported publicly online. That will make them stop and think is this a good idea or not. Bronwyn did what she did because she’d been getting away with it for so long and other pollies were not going to say much as some I’m sure have done some dodgy stuff also.

The current government have done a really poor job of leading by example. Just about everything they criticised the previous government for, they’ve been guilty of doing also. They failed to convince the public that their hardline right wing policies which mostly benefit the wealthy were for the good of the country (probably because they were not).

Tony Abbott did a really good job of bringing down the previous government, but when push comes to shove he can’t actually run the country. He still has the right wing “believers” on his side, but very little else.

dungfungus said :

No doubt about that; just as there was no doubt about Craig Thomson spending union members money in brothels and the Labor Party paying large amounts for his legal fees.

Not sure that the “LOOK OVER THERE!” defence really works in this instance.

JC said :

vintage123 said :

JC said :

dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

AAA credit rating obtained by previous governments fiscal policies in particular the stimulus that kept us out of the GFC. Now at risk due to current government policies.

Low mortage rates, is that a good thing or bad. Seems when in oppoisition the Liebrals were saying this is a bad things, show the economy is up the creek, yada yada yada, but now good.

Unemployment manageable. Well depends what you consider managable, but the trend is unemployment rising.

Borders under control. Were they ever out of control? A few thousand refugees is hardly out of control, but if you call dog whislting to bogans an acheivement, then yes job done.

FTA’s with other countries. All started under the previous government, and in some cases the last Liebral government. So really a bipartisan acheivement, though some appear to have been signed in haste.

Borrowing less per day? Really, how can that be when the debt has increased signicantly?

Everything in politics is relative. Yep can agree with this statement.

Ok I am going to bite.

The mining boom and the liberal surplus kept us out of the GFC. Labour just spent it.

Low interest rates equal low inflation. Inflation and consumer confidence are the monitors for market strength.

Unemployment is surprisingly steady when you consider australias reliance on iron ore to fuel GDP.

Yes the boarders were unsecured during the labour government, as 50000 illegal immigrants arrived by boat. 50k is alot of unauthorised people arriving. Luckily they did not have weapons.

Borrowing less per day because they are spending less per day, so you don’t need a math degree to work that out.

The FTAs have been signed under the current government, something the previous government could not obtain.

Borrowing less because they are spending less hey? Really have you actually looked at the budget figures?

2014 budget, deficit estimate $47b, 2015 budget, deficit $29.8b, which increased to $40.4b by December 2014.

Now a deficit is the difference between income and spending, so in two years they have spent $87b, more than they have earned, and you are saying they have cut spending and are spending less.

The rest of your claims are just as rubbery.

My goodness, how did the economy get to such a parlous state in such a short time?
When the coalition was in government in 2007 there was no deficit, no debt and $40 billion in the bank.
What happened?

vintage123 said :

JC said :

dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

AAA credit rating obtained by previous governments fiscal policies in particular the stimulus that kept us out of the GFC. Now at risk due to current government policies.

Low mortage rates, is that a good thing or bad. Seems when in oppoisition the Liebrals were saying this is a bad things, show the economy is up the creek, yada yada yada, but now good.

Unemployment manageable. Well depends what you consider managable, but the trend is unemployment rising.

Borders under control. Were they ever out of control? A few thousand refugees is hardly out of control, but if you call dog whislting to bogans an acheivement, then yes job done.

FTA’s with other countries. All started under the previous government, and in some cases the last Liebral government. So really a bipartisan acheivement, though some appear to have been signed in haste.

Borrowing less per day? Really, how can that be when the debt has increased signicantly?

Everything in politics is relative. Yep can agree with this statement.

Ok I am going to bite.

The mining boom and the liberal surplus kept us out of the GFC. Labour just spent it.

Low interest rates equal low inflation. Inflation and consumer confidence are the monitors for market strength.

Unemployment is surprisingly steady when you consider australias reliance on iron ore to fuel GDP.

Yes the boarders were unsecured during the labour government, as 50000 illegal immigrants arrived by boat. 50k is alot of unauthorised people arriving. Luckily they did not have weapons.

Borrowing less per day because they are spending less per day, so you don’t need a math degree to work that out.

The FTAs have been signed under the current government, something the previous government could not obtain.

Borrowing less because they are spending less hey? Really have you actually looked at the budget figures?

2014 budget, deficit estimate $47b, 2015 budget, deficit $29.8b, which increased to $40.4b by December 2014.

Now a deficit is the difference between income and spending, so in two years they have spent $87b, more than they have earned, and you are saying they have cut spending and are spending less.

The rest of your claims are just as rubbery.

There is little wonder to me that Politicians are held in such low regard by the public. Few show any ability to plan a path beyond the election cycle. As such, they are very poor examples of leaders.

If you work at Parliament House, like I did, the rorting can be seen easily- just go to the Senators and Members dining rooms. Its 4 star dining for politicians and their guests at tax-payers expense.

The good news is they don’t stay in office forever, however we do seem to get left with a seemingly endless line of ex-politicians that just wont shut up.

dungfungus said :

But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.


Amazing! dungfungus you do take the cake!

vintage123 said :

dungfungus said :

vintage123 said :

dungfungus said :

london said :

What a disgrace for Australia she is. One has to think Tony Abbott must have promised her protection if she helped the Liberals. A biased Speaker in parliament is also a disgrace to present to the world. Let’s have an independent speaker who the people of Australia can be proud. Bronwyn Bishop should be charged with fraud because she knew what the rules were. She certainly had her nose in the trough.

Yes, it rivals the Craig Thomson affair without the criminal issues.

Hold your horses there Dunga, if Infact the speaker officially signed as a delegate, thereby exercising authority under the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines, and the delegates due diligence was not undertaken, I.e mandatory value for money assessment, then by all means, such a delegation is subject to investigation.
commonwealth procurement guidelines 2015

What’s your point? I din’t imply that she would not be investigated.

I don’t know. I guess my point was that I am thinking she has broken the rules and hasn’t gotten away with it just yet. Even now that she has resigned she is still accountable for that spending.

No doubt about that; just as there was no doubt about Craig Thomson spending union members money in brothels and the Labor Party paying large amounts for his legal fees.

Bishop took advantage of the “system” and needed to resign. She has, apparently, been “political” since she was 17, she is now 72? Time for her to sit back, put the feet up and watch Days of Pour Drearies (is that still going?).

Meanwhile ……….

dungfungus said :

vintage123 said :

dungfungus said :

london said :

What a disgrace for Australia she is. One has to think Tony Abbott must have promised her protection if she helped the Liberals. A biased Speaker in parliament is also a disgrace to present to the world. Let’s have an independent speaker who the people of Australia can be proud. Bronwyn Bishop should be charged with fraud because she knew what the rules were. She certainly had her nose in the trough.

Yes, it rivals the Craig Thomson affair without the criminal issues.

Hold your horses there Dunga, if Infact the speaker officially signed as a delegate, thereby exercising authority under the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines, and the delegates due diligence was not undertaken, I.e mandatory value for money assessment, then by all means, such a delegation is subject to investigation.
commonwealth procurement guidelines 2015

What’s your point? I din’t imply that she would not be investigated.

I don’t know. I guess my point was that I am thinking she has broken the rules and hasn’t gotten away with it just yet. Even now that she has resigned she is still accountable for that spending.

vintage123 said :

dungfungus said :

london said :

What a disgrace for Australia she is. One has to think Tony Abbott must have promised her protection if she helped the Liberals. A biased Speaker in parliament is also a disgrace to present to the world. Let’s have an independent speaker who the people of Australia can be proud. Bronwyn Bishop should be charged with fraud because she knew what the rules were. She certainly had her nose in the trough.

Yes, it rivals the Craig Thomson affair without the criminal issues.

Hold your horses there Dunga, if Infact the speaker officially signed as a delegate, thereby exercising authority under the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines, and the delegates due diligence was not undertaken, I.e mandatory value for money assessment, then by all means, such a delegation is subject to investigation.
commonwealth procurement guidelines 2015

What’s your point? I din’t imply that she would not be investigated.

Hey john, surely you are edjumakated enuff to know the relevance of the quote “I was born at a very young age”, and who is famous for quoting it.

It’s not hard to link this quote with that same persons third most famous quote, which Gerard may have been eluding too, “please accept my resignation, I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as members”, but then again it was all about his book release and therefore this persons most famous quote is more likely the Segway “a likely story – and probably true”.

Or has it all sailed smoothly over your head?

Groucho Marx 1890 – 1977

John Hargreaves6:24 pm 03 Aug 15

Guys, this is not about a Government or an Opposition. It is not about ministers or backbenchers rorting their entitlements. It is about the SPEAKER!

This office is the paramount position in the parliament. The position is supposed to be the embodiment of the dignity of the people’s parliament.

It is supposed to be above partisan participation in debates. It is supposed to chair debates without fear or favour.

Think back to previous Speakers if you will and you will remember nothing. And so it should be!

Ms Bishop has not only been a partisan Speaker taking party room po!itics into the chair, she has abused the privileges that the office delivered. Her sense of elitism has had no parallel in my memory.

She has been an awful Speaker, a bullying senator and an elitist without peer!

Phillip Ruddock on the other hand is a real gentleman, skilled in parliamentary practice, skilled in ministerial experience and parliamentary experience over decades. He is respected on both sides of the house for an inherent integrity and a solemnity befitting the dignity of the parliament.

I, for one, having served on ministerial councils with him, hope the Libs have the sense to elevate him to the office of Speaker which he deserves.

JC said :

dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

AAA credit rating obtained by previous governments fiscal policies in particular the stimulus that kept us out of the GFC. Now at risk due to current government policies.

Low mortage rates, is that a good thing or bad. Seems when in oppoisition the Liebrals were saying this is a bad things, show the economy is up the creek, yada yada yada, but now good.

Unemployment manageable. Well depends what you consider managable, but the trend is unemployment rising.

Borders under control. Were they ever out of control? A few thousand refugees is hardly out of control, but if you call dog whislting to bogans an acheivement, then yes job done.

FTA’s with other countries. All started under the previous government, and in some cases the last Liebral government. So really a bipartisan acheivement, though some appear to have been signed in haste.

Borrowing less per day? Really, how can that be when the debt has increased signicantly?

Everything in politics is relative. Yep can agree with this statement.

Ok I am going to bite.

The mining boom and the liberal surplus kept us out of the GFC. Labour just spent it.

Low interest rates equal low inflation. Inflation and consumer confidence are the monitors for market strength.

Unemployment is surprisingly steady when you consider australias reliance on iron ore to fuel GDP.

Yes the boarders were unsecured during the labour government, as 50000 illegal immigrants arrived by boat. 50k is alot of unauthorised people arriving. Luckily they did not have weapons.

Borrowing less per day because they are spending less per day, so you don’t need a math degree to work that out.

The FTAs have been signed under the current government, something the previous government could not obtain.

dungfungus said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

AAA credit rating obtained by previous governments fiscal policies in particular the stimulus that kept us out of the GFC. Now at risk due to current government policies.

Low mortage rates, is that a good thing or bad. Seems when in oppoisition the Liebrals were saying this is a bad things, show the economy is up the creek, yada yada yada, but now good.

Unemployment manageable. Well depends what you consider managable, but the trend is unemployment rising.

Borders under control. Were they ever out of control? A few thousand refugees is hardly out of control, but if you call dog whislting to bogans an acheivement, then yes job done.

FTA’s with other countries. All started under the previous government, and in some cases the last Liebral government. So really a bipartisan acheivement, though some appear to have been signed in haste.

Borrowing less per day? Really, how can that be when the debt has increased signicantly?

Everything in politics is relative. Yep can agree with this statement.

Evilomlap said :

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

I don’t think I’d use the term ‘inept’, rather I think they are far better at being reactive rather than getting in front of issues. They are still firmly in the Opposition mindset. I’d agree though that Mr Abbott is among the worst Liberal leaders I can remember, and perhaps even since the formation of the party. But I’ll leave history and the next election to be the ultimate judge of that.

I will say though, the whole blue tie vs red tie thing that came into effect at the last election is an example of the astounding level of immaturity that pervades both sides of government at present. This country is being run by a bunch of children. And the second any ‘issue’ presents itself that will distract the general public from the real issues and clog up everyone’s newsfeeds with idiotic ‘memes’ rather than anything of substance, both sides jump on it with an enthusiasm similar to throwing a leg of lamb into a room full of Beagle puppies.

Yeah, fair points.

The partisan split is just appalling and there’s no doubt it’s getting worse. The big losers of this is the people and we’re heading towards the situation where no matter how good an idea is, if the other side thought of it first it’s forever tainted.

Cue the comments about national issues vs local issues…

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

I don’t think I’d use the term ‘inept’, rather I think they are far better at being reactive rather than getting in front of issues. They are still firmly in the Opposition mindset. I’d agree though that Mr Abbott is among the worst Liberal leaders I can remember, and perhaps even since the formation of the party. But I’ll leave history and the next election to be the ultimate judge of that.

I will say though, the whole blue tie vs red tie thing that came into effect at the last election is an example of the astounding level of immaturity that pervades both sides of government at present. This country is being run by a bunch of children. And the second any ‘issue’ presents itself that will distract the general public from the real issues and clog up everyone’s newsfeeds with idiotic ‘memes’ rather than anything of substance, both sides jump on it with an enthusiasm similar to throwing a leg of lamb into a room full of Beagle puppies.

vintage123 said :

dungfungus said :

london said :

What a disgrace for Australia she is. One has to think Tony Abbott must have promised her protection if she helped the Liberals. A biased Speaker in parliament is also a disgrace to present to the world. Let’s have an independent speaker who the people of Australia can be proud. Bronwyn Bishop should be charged with fraud because she knew what the rules were. She certainly had her nose in the trough.

Yes, it rivals the Craig Thomson affair without the criminal issues.

Hold your horses there Dunga, if Infact the speaker officially signed as a delegate, thereby exercising authority under the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines, and the delegates due diligence was not undertaken, I.e mandatory value for money assessment, then by all means, such a delegation is subject to investigation.
commonwealth procurement guidelines 2015

Here ya go,

dungfungus said :

london said :

What a disgrace for Australia she is. One has to think Tony Abbott must have promised her protection if she helped the Liberals. A biased Speaker in parliament is also a disgrace to present to the world. Let’s have an independent speaker who the people of Australia can be proud. Bronwyn Bishop should be charged with fraud because she knew what the rules were. She certainly had her nose in the trough.

Yes, it rivals the Craig Thomson affair without the criminal issues.

Hold your horses there Dunga, if Infact the speaker officially signed as a delegate, thereby exercising authority under the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines, and the delegates due diligence was not undertaken, I.e mandatory value for money assessment, then by all means, such a delegation is subject to investigation.
commonwealth procurement guidelines 2015

Madam Cholet1:31 pm 03 Aug 15

I’m not sure that the ACT should be any longer described as a ‘Labor stronghold’. It is only care of the one green this time around that things did not go pear shaped for them. And I don’t particularly feel blessed for it thanks very much. Not that I am nailing any other colours to the mast here.

The issue with Bronwyn Bishop, in addition to the sense of entitlement is her sense of self-importance – that she must get to these fundraisers come what may (in the shape of a helicopter ride obviously), because ‘they want me! Me you hear, ME!’. Me Me Me. You can see it in her demeanour.

I heard on News24 this morning that she was taking short charter flights as far back as the 80s in one instance to get from a fundraiser to a dog show….

rosscoact said :

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

It depends on what you are commenting on.
If it is about Bishop then yes, Abbott should have pressured her to resign much earlier given that he couldn’t fire her. But then Gillard defended and supported Craig Thomson much longer and I don’t recall the same level of bile being directed at her.
As for the current government being inept, if you consider that Australia has a AAA credit rating, the lowest mortgage rates in recent history, manageable unemployment rates, has regained control of our borders, introduced globally competitive trade agreements, has repaired political differences with our neighbours and is borrowing less money per day than the previous government, well you would have to say ten out of ten.
Everything in politics is relative.

london said :

What a disgrace for Australia she is. One has to think Tony Abbott must have promised her protection if she helped the Liberals. A biased Speaker in parliament is also a disgrace to present to the world. Let’s have an independent speaker who the people of Australia can be proud. Bronwyn Bishop should be charged with fraud because she knew what the rules were. She certainly had her nose in the trough.

Yes, it rivals the Craig Thomson affair without the criminal issues.

I don’t think you have to be a Labor person to conclude this is the most inept government since Federation and Abbott has the worst political judgement of any Prime Minister in living memory.

What a disgrace for Australia she is. One has to think Tony Abbott must have promised her protection if she helped the Liberals. A biased Speaker in parliament is also a disgrace to present to the world. Let’s have an independent speaker who the people of Australia can be proud. Bronwyn Bishop should be charged with fraud because she knew what the rules were. She certainly had her nose in the trough.

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