I have worked for the Picture for a couple of years now, producing a weekly, full colour (and quite well drawn if i do say so) strip called Tales From the Pub.
The idea is that readers write in with true anecdotes (the kind you might tell in a pub, see) which I then draw as a comic. 90% of the stories seem to follow a similar pattern: This one time we got drunk, then did something zany, and finally threw up or urinated somewhere amusing.
But before the strip took off, most of the stories were submitted not by the readers but by chums of mine in Canberra and these stories were much better told, funnier, interesting and more varied. I also got to draw Canberra.
I would have thought the sheer crazy laddishness of Picture readers would result in some amazing anecdotes, but nah – so I thought I might do a shout-out for stories here. If your story gets printed you get bugger all, but you do get an excuse to buy a porno. Also, if you wanna include a photo of yourself for accuracy or something then that’s ok too. Please send tales to drphwoar@yahoo.com
You can read a few previous Tales episodes at my site under the comics section: