Hi all
Thought I would run this by Rioters that may be more in the know then myself.
I have a commercial cleaning arrangement with Canberra Cleaning and I have been trying to contact them(funnily enough to request an invoice to pay them) but all attempts to contact them have failed.
I have called their office line, and 2 mobile phone numbers of owner/managers there but all seem to be disconnected. Emails have not been responded too. approx 14 days without any contact at all
Now my real predicament here is not the contract itself(easy to find a company to replace them) but they have secure keys and access codes to the premises. Cost to change the lock is a pain as it is a ‘special’ type of key/lock system. Codes can be modified easily enough.
- 1. Does anyone know if Canberra Cleaning as a business has failed and they didnt tell anyone?
2. They forgot to pay their phone bills?
3. If they have failed, what is the best way to commence proceedings to get the keys off them?