In my thirst for knowledge, I went along to the ACT Legislative Assembly Inquiry into the Budget papers. I was delighted to see our local pollies taking themselves seriously as they tackled the Big Issues facing our fine town.
The highlight for me was undoubtedly when Hargreaves told Dozspot to “settle petal” when Mr Dozspot asked if a briefing he received on a constituent was “the full story”.
Yes, they could have spent some time talking about what exactly the ACT government plans to do to address the findings of the recent audit into respite care. They could have discussed cross-portfolio coordination so that, for example, the decision makers responsible for housing, transport, health and disability all agree the best place for supported accommodation before sticking someone with limited mobility in the facility-free outer-north. But no.
After Hargreaves’ mind numbingly dull opening statement (which went for a seemingly endless 30 minutes), the only way should have been up. As it was, the town councillors satisfied themselves with making a couple of public servants a little bit nervous before entering into a bit of very mild push-me-shove-you across the table. I did consider a quick costing of the exercise. There were some 12 senior public servants in attendance as well as approximately six advisers, not to mention all the preparatory briefing which would have been done. Thank goodness for self government, else we would not have the satisfaction of seeing our tax dollars in action like this.
Thank gawd it’s only a short walk to Croissant d’Or for a soothing petit four…