Much like the rest of Australia, the entrepreneurial scene in Canberra is starting to buzz. Canberra is the hub for many talented entrepreneurs working on projects which are attracting the light around the world – a current example is which is getting a lot of attention in San Francisco. So then, why don’t you know about any of these projects or groups of people? Simple, because there is no one single hub where entrepreneurs can go to work, to collaborate, to get help with launching their project, to get help with attracting investment.
As an entrepreneur in Canberra, I go to a lot of effort to find meet-ups of these like minded people, and, sure they exist, but they are very patchy and inconsistent (not to mention you only hear of them through personal introduction). It would seem that the problem is obvious, but, what of the solution?
Over the past few weeks, I have been gathering a few like minded individuals, in particular those who are willing to put themselves on the line and commit by signing a lease to get this place going. The idea is to fill a co-working space full of enthusiastic entrepreneurs and other supporting creatives (designers, coders, etc), with the vision of harbouring a collaborative co-working environment where people exchange skills and ideas with each other on the road to making their venture a success! This place could then also consolidate all of the separate 5-person meet-ups by not only introducing them to other people interested in joining the conversation, but also by giving them a place to meet.
In short, it would be great if we (entrepreneurs, creatives, designers, coders, hakers, Canberrans) could all come together in one awesome space to feed off each other and create a cool place to work.
Firstly, we need to gauge interest, so I’ve created this 3-minute tick-and-flick survey to see if I’m not actually the only one interested in this!
Fill it out, pass it on to others who might be interested in occupying a desk, and let’s see if we can get this place up and running in the next month or so!