12 August 2006

Canberra Stadium smoke free from 2007?

| johnboy
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The ABC has a story on plans by Canberra Stadium to go smoke free in 2007.

So, aside friom possibly some federal “smoke free” grant money, what’s in it for them and what will it cost?

Does smoke at the Stadium annoy you or deter you from going? And as a smoker will the idea of 2 hours without a death stick put you off?

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Saw some d00d driving a car with 31337 as the licence plate. I was laughing so hard I almost drove off the footpath. and its 0wn3D or 0w| \ | (but only if you are truly l33t*)

I wonder how many zealots would have a whinge if I smoked trout in front of them?

*by leet I mean sad, about 13 and spotty.

Absent Diane12:09 pm 16 Aug 06

isn’t the actual terminology pwned or something..

banning smoking at CS is just going to make a whole lot of otherwise law abiding citizens in the wrong. As for teh whole sitting next to a smoker or a homosexual – they both are going to smoke – its just that the homosexual will be smoking a pole not a cigger 🙂 oh and when i quit smoking I removed the catalytic converter from my car to make up for the loss of contribution to my community 🙂 – anyway ill sit the f==k back down now – saves someone else from telling me to.

PS. what does you have been owned mean ? you are owned ? and how can someone be owned on a blog?

Absent Diane11:16 am 16 Aug 06

I couldnt give a fuck about students and their study commitments. Nor can I give a fuck about smoking in pubs because I am not a smoker.

It’s going to be interesting to see what happens in clubs, etc on 1 December … Will there be riots as the militant smokers enforce their “right to liberty” and the militant non-smokers enforce their “legally supported right”. I feel soory for the poor non-smoking students who have no option but to work in a non-smoke-free environment because it’s the only job they can get which fits in with their study commitments.

Absent Diane11:04 am 16 Aug 06

BAM got me there simpleto…

AD – you’re right, rights and laws are a human construct. Unfortunately, unless you choose to be a hermit and live away from any other human beings, you’re going to have to get to the point at some time in your life where you’re going to have to take other people’s opinions about your behaviour into account.

Now, you’re obviously not a hermit (otherwise you wouldn’t be posting here, since nothing we discuss would affect you at all). Which means that your actions are going to have consequences. IF you piss people off, chances are they might get annoyed enough to piss you back off. Your whining about this does get kind of hilarious, since you seem to have missed most key stages in social development ever since … well, a second single-celled organism emerged from the protoplasmic swamp.

but its ok for a loony anti smoker to assault and steal from a person who is enjoying the smooth refreshing taste of a laramie ?

Absent Diane10:03 am 16 Aug 06

rights are just human construct and are only theories… same with laws .. its that simple… I do what I want when I want how I want and if it pisses someone off that is fucking hilarious… now go away simpleton

No, AD. The public domain means that you have the right to behave in a way that is reasonable to other members of the public. In your own private residence, you can do what the hell you want, but as soon as it starts bleeding into the public domain, other members of the public can complain about you and your behaviour. Hence why your neighbours can call the cops if you’re playing Slayer at high volume at 2am.

Your rights stop as soon as they start affecting other people. It’s that simple.

Absent Diane8:58 am 16 Aug 06

If I am outside and someone whinges about my smoking (which I do very rarely) and snatches one from my lips I would grab a chair and smack them over the head with it…really really hard… I am not known for having a good temper or suffering fools lightly. No offence big al… its just how it works. If you want a smoke free environment outside you can kiss my fucking ass…cause it is my right in that I have been born to do whatever the fuck I like.

People smoking in eating places is just profoundly wrong. A universal law is that smoke always drifts towards the non-smoker(s)
Now more insults please, before this site turns into a lovefest or something.

KaneO – to be honest I haven’t had to give anyone a smack in the head. Now this isn’t some random attack on people who I see smoking – it’s a response to unreasonable and invasive behavior that I find unacceptable. Yes, I have snatched a few ciggies from between peoples lips or from their hands and ‘prematurely’ extinguished them – no ones been stupid enough to try and take it further. The most common instance that comes to mind are smokers, somehow conscious of the fact that their filthy pastime is offending people at their table, inconsiderately, holding their cigarette behind their back – away from their friends but close to me and mine.

I love it when tards make victory claims, but in reality are just too stupid to realise people are using them as a toilet…. open wider VB.

Vic Bitterman7:24 pm 15 Aug 06

Hahahaha. Loving seeing the whinging smokers squirm, and squirm some more!!!! LOL!!!!

Oi Kramer, smokers do not have the right to smoke “whenever and wherever they want”
Thanks to whiny fooks they aren’t allowed to smoke outside in many places, or even in designated smoking zones.

However, due to the amount of pollution about the place if you truly want to enjoy clean air whenever and wherever you want, take an oxy tent and your own supply***. Of course, you would attract a bunch of whingers complaining about their right to not trip over oxygen tents “wherever and whenever they want” Or whingers demanding clean air tents big enough to hold gay marriage ceremonies in.

***or fit one on a recumbent bicycle.

A simple solution which already WORKS.

But the dogooders want to erode your libertys.

Theyre doing it for you.

Forget about free choice, just do as youre told.

Absent Diane11:12 am 15 Aug 06

Gays can’t marry and smokers can’t smoke.. what an awesome free world that we live in.

Kramer – I don’t drive and your car ruins my desire for clean air. get a grip foo

I’d much rather sit next to a homosexual at the rugby than a smoker – even if they were practising at the time.

You smokers are all missing the point, it’s not about YOUR rights to smoke whenever and wherever you want. It’s about MY rights to enjoy clean air whenever and wherever I want.

Homosexuals don’t bother anyone – well, unless you ask us to. Smokers bother vast numbers of people.

And Smokers can still get married, last time I saw.

im with thumper.

i think its amazing that in todays society its more acceptable to be a homosexual than a smoker.

one group has rights thrown at it, the other has them stripped away.

Absent Diane9:05 am 15 Aug 06

hey KaneO + 1

If my choice was having to sit beside a chain-smoker or Crazy Chester – I’d take the smoker any day.

I’ll help ya: you have stated that I am selfish, blow smoke all others and attend events in CS. My first comment in this thread “Tho smoke-free or smoke-allowed at CS is pretty much irrelevant unless they ever get something appealing happening there.” I don’t bother going there anymore as it’s shite.

If you want to own someone, try it with facts, not your own prejudice and supposition.

And why don’t you stop driving your car around people who don’t wish to breathe your stinky pollutants? Any argument made against smoking can be used againts cars. Just shows how truly pathetic the arguments are…

Hey Big Al, if you had ever done that the best outcome you could hope for is theft and assault charges. Of course you wouldn’t be talking it up on the ‘net now would ya. ;->

I have no real problem with people smoking – if its shitting me, I simply snatch the filthy thing from their mouth or crush it in the hand of the smoker if they try and resist – sure sometimes one of these maggots will get all brave and macho about it, but I usually find that a quick smack in the head brings them back to their senses.

Vic Bitterman7:59 pm 14 Aug 06

Why should I stop breathing kaneo? Why don’t you stop smoking around others who don’t want to smell you, and your stinky smoke.

You have been owned on this blog. Run away now lad, and whinge about something else, OK? Maybe about how much your ciggies cost?

VB – simple solution to your problem: stop breathing.
Kramer – fart away if you like. I’ll just stub out my butt in your o-ring.

OYM – I do get it. Incidentally, how did your ancestors evolve past caveman stage if a bit of smoke would cause such distress? You parents didn’t get you out of a can of American Splooge did they?

Overall, my initial comment regarding the anti-smoking whingers who *need* someone they feel able to kick around is incorrect.

Can we ban people who cough without putting their hand over their mouths too?

The reason smokers stink so badly is so blind people can hate them too.

Absent Diane11:57 am 14 Aug 06

its just whiney bitches with nothing better in their life so they complain about smokers.

although it does amuse me when you see an over-whingey non-smoker walk past a couple of smokers.. the noise and the ridiculous facial expressions they make are gold…

children should only be allowed in designated areas…and silly parents who don’t keep them in line should be fined.

I love these anti-smoking rants. Compared to thieves, rapists and kiddie fiddlers, we must be one of the most despised groups in this country.

As for smoking at the footy, even if there is someone standing next to me whinging about it, i will light up. Trust me, it is far better for you near-sighted whinging arseholes forme to smoke than to try and put your head further up your arse.

get over it, i don’t complain about the wanker at the atm, who cannot seem to use it, or the fat twit that constantly pushes to the front of line in any cafe, bank or transport queue.

Non-smokers shouldn’t be allowed at sport anyway, or outside in the daylight in case they get sunburnt.

Filty kids with snotty noses and dirty bottoms!

Absent Diane10:39 am 14 Aug 06

no I had a lovely weekend. back at work this morning is the problem. They should have several courses in the public on 1) Self reflection 2) Dealing with idiots..

I really just don’t understand how people can say this is to protect our kids from your filthy habits…. but if we were to say we want protection from your filthy kids that would cause a major uproar.

Particularly nihilistic today, AD – bad weekend?

Can they ban kids from public events? Their whining and crying shits me to tears no end.

I miss smoking in the cinema…I wonder if there is any worth in investigating purchasing Electric Shadows and have one cinema allowing the pleasure of inhaling toxic fumes?

Absent Diane9:32 am 14 Aug 06

I don’t care about any of your families because they are all just further drain on our worlds resources.

KaneO – I don’t need smokers to give me a sense of superiority and self worth. That’s what I’ve got fat people for.

Let me know next time you want to go out and enjoy a cigarette. I’ll stand next to you and fart in your face non stop.

Vic Bitterman8:40 pm 13 Aug 06

kaneo, it’s as simple as this. I don’t care if you smoke, truly I don’t. I don’t care if anyone smokes.

What I object to is ME breathing in your smoke. I choose not to smoke, I don’t want to breathe in your smoke.

Because you are a selfish individual who couldn’t care less about anyone else, your smoke drifts over them. Well, your days of this happening at CS are numbered. The same for pubs and clubs in the ACT too. You only have yourself to blame.

I’m smart enough to know that the science on second hand smoke is about as sound as cold fusion, but that’s not the point – the smell shits me – smokers stink worse than the shit they’ve got for brains. If I paid taxes I’d want the government to make sure that I don’t have to end up standing, sitting, riding, driving, looking – anywhere near where one of these pathetic arse wipes is – regardless of whether they’re actually smoking, or just have a pack in their pocket and might think about having one later on.

It’s the warm inner glow that comes from knowing you’ve managed to make a pariah out of someone for no real reason that keeps me coming back…

OpenYourMind7:40 pm 13 Aug 06

No KaneO, you just don’t get it, it’s not a political correctness thing, it’s not some desperate attempt at making a statement or proving superiority.

I just want to be able to go to public places and not have to put up with all the problems of second hand smoke I mentioned previously.

And Bonfire, the trouble with the ‘don’t go there’ attitude (and sadly lots of non smokers with allergies etc. just do that), if laws aren’t put in place the minority screw it for the majority. I can catch a plane, go to the movies or eat at a Canberra restaurant now and be confident that there is no chance a smoker will screw it up for me. I look forward to when the same applies to pubs, clubs, music gigs and sporting events.

/me pats VB on head for being a mindless clone.
Incidentally, I’ve seen what wanders around CS and Canberra in general and fucking them isn’t something I would bother with.
I always get a good laugh at people bitching about smoke when they’re sitting A a sidewalk cafe inhaling traffic fumes that would choke an elephant.
Smoking is a legal activity, whether you like it or not.
The rabid anti-smoking dickwads remind of the people who would call people niggers, retards, faggots etc if they could get away with it. Face it, without smokers people like you wouldn’t have anyone you could have your prissy little fits about. You need smokers to give you a sense of superiority and self worth.

Vic Bitterman6:30 pm 13 Aug 06

LOL at kaneo, typical selfish blinkered “Fuck everyone else, it’s my right to smoke” attitude.

Well guess what spoonhead – you soon won’t be able to do it any more in CS!!!!! Go smoke that!!!!! LOL

*Yawn* more oxygen thieves whinging about 2nd hand smoke. If it was un-PC to harass smokers you wouldn’t do it. You’d move on whining about blind immigrant lesbian amputee pentaque players who fart too much or something. The fumes outa your tail pipe are killing you quicker. Get over it.

Tho smoke-free or smoke-allowed at CS is pretty much irrelevant unless they ever get something appealing happening there.

If you want to smoke then by all means go ahead, but please leave me out of it. I don’t want to have to breath in that crap and have a sore throat for the next week.

by the time that silky smooth aroma has reached your oh so senstive nostrils, its dissipated significantly.

oym it was YOUR CHOICE to go to the places you then complain about.

I dont like smelly hippies, so i dont go to the folk festival but i dont demand that someone close it down.

Vic Bitterman10:55 pm 12 Aug 06

Great news – about time. Fuck the smokers when they blow their selfish stinking shit over me and my young family.

Good idea … Our box at the Brumbies is right above the concourse on the eastern stand so the smelly shit-bags stand right below us smoking away – what gets me is: why they get peeved when I spill beer on their sorry stupid heads, after all, its just a ‘harmless’ habit…

OpenYourMind7:32 pm 12 Aug 06

Excellent!! Sounds like good news to me. It’s one more public place that non-smokers can go to without having to put up with the stench and problems of other’s smoke.

Went to the trivia night at Italo club, their smoking area is decidedly close to their non smoking area and it’s a fight to get any table. Despite reasonable ventilation, I still suffered sore eyes from smoke, and my clothes and hair smelt of smoke. I know asthmatics that simply can’t go to events like this because of the smoke. A small percentage of smokers make life hell for everyone else.

As I’ve said in the past, even smokers seem to hate other people’s smoke. Can you imagine how non-smokers feel?

You’ll be less likely to litter with your ‘same as leaf litter’ cigarette butts too, Bonfire!!

most areas are already non-smoking.

ideology triumphing over civil liberties – again.

if they truly cared about ‘health’ they would sell lentil burgers not fucking french fries.

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