It’s snowing across Canberra! Mt Ainslie is looking more Snowy Mountains than CBR Inner North (thanks John Lafferty for the photo). There are snow pix like his from all over the city on the ACT Weather Chasers & Photographers Facebook page, mainly in Gungahlin and Tuggeranong suburbs, and just now it started snowing in our backyard too. How about your place?

Franklin resident Mike Field took this windscreen photo at around 7am. Below is my arm collecting snowflakes at 7.30am. According to posts on the ACT Weather Chasers & Photographers page it’s snowing on Black Mountain and in Queanbeyan, Banks, Isaacs, Melba, Ngunnawal, Burra, Royalla, Casey, Civic and Bungendore. Is it snowing where you are? Please share your photos and videos via our Facebook page.

Meanwhile, overnight storms have wreaked havoc around Canberra with several trees falling on roads, powerlines and property causing road closures, power outages and car accidents. The ACT State Emergency Service received 231 requests for assistance between 4pm yesterday and 10am today due to the wet and windy weather.
ACTSES crews supported by ACT Fire & Rescue, the ACT Rural Fire Service and City Services worked through the night with only 22 jobs outstanding at 7am.
The majority of jobs were for trees on roads.
The ACTSES has urged Canberrans to stay clear of fallen power lines and trees and be aware that trees and branches could fall in windy conditions. They advise residents to stay indoors, clear of windows.
The ACT Government is asking motorists and other road users to exercise extreme caution due to the current weather conditions. Several closures are in place, with the following rural roads closed: Corin Road, Bendora Road, Mount Franklin Road at Piccadilly Circus, Two Sticks Road, Orroral Ridge Road (already closed) and Booroomba Rocks Road (already closed).
The dirt sections of Brindabella Road and Boboyan Road are only open to four-wheel drive vehicles.
Fire trails in Namadgi National Park are also closed.
Gates are locked at some of these locations and will be opened when conditions improve and become safer.
It is hoped that by late morning Corin Road will be able to be opened to Square Rock car park so people can visit Corin Forest.
Members of the public are strongly urged to resist the temptation to head to the Brindabella mountains in the pursuit of snow. The road conditions are dangerous and the rain, wind and snow is causing trees to fall.
For more information on road closures visit www.tccs.act.gov.au or Access Canberra on 13 22 81.
For storm and flood assistance call the ACTSES on 132 500.
Up-to-date information on emergency incidents can also be found at www.esa.act.gov.au