Apparently there is a huge demand among Centrelink benefit recipients for access to Centrelink from their Apple iPod Touch of iPad, since I got this in my email this morning:
You asked, we listened, the Express Plus iPhone app is now also available on your iPod touch (4th generation) or iPad for you to do your Centrelink business. It’s a simple, fast, mobile way to report your earnings, apply for advance payments and receive reminder messages. The Express Plus app is also currently in development for a range of other platforms to be ready later in the year. To find out more about Express Plus visit the human services website and select students.
Now personally I am on Austudy, and making do with a 6yr old Dell laptop running XP and a Nokia of almost the same age for my music/calendar/etc…. From what I have seen on campus at CIT Reid at least this seems pretty common for most students, certainly don’t seem to remember many toting around iPod Touch or iPads (apart from a couple of the teachers anyway).
Last I checked this isn’t exactly the most common accessory among the unemployed either, I am curious, where is the “huge demand” for access to centrelink services come from that enabling it on the most expensive Tablet / Music Player devices on the market is a priority – wouldn’t enabling in on Android to start with probably be a better time investment considering the average cost of an Android device (cheapest crappiest tablet starting from around $100) vs an Apple iPad (starting price around $500).
What do you think readers? Centrelink catching up with the 21st Century or a complete waste of time and money as usual? Personally I’m of the latter opinion, what a joke – make welfare access available through the most expensive devices on the market, way to go Centrelink!