Plans to encourage development and revitalise the Tuggeranong town centre will consolidate the existing centre by reducing car dependency and locating more people closer to existing businesses.
Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development, Simon Corbell, today approved Territory Plan draft variation 318, which will be tabled in the Legislative Assembly.
“The strong message we’ve received from the broader Tuggeranong community and stakeholders is that stimulating development and growth in the town centre is a priority,” Mr Corbell said.
“While there has been talk in the media about extending Tuggeranong to the west, the ACT government has been actively working on improvements that can be implemented now and within the town centre’s existing footprint.
“DV318 contains a range of incentives to give the centre a kick start, based on a sound policy platform – the Tuggeranong Town Centre Master Plan 2012.
“The master plan’s analysis and comprehensive public consultation led to DV318’s balanced approach that will consolidate the existing centre with the benefits of reduced car dependency, more people living closer to existing businesses and better use of services and facilities.”
DV318 includes an increase in building heights in key locations across the town centre. Building heights at the foreshore will remain but will be stepped up to 6-7 storeys in the centre.
Office boulevard precincts will be encouraged on Athllon Drive and Soward Way with heights of 8-9 storeys and one site on the corner of Athllon Drive and Rowland Rees Drive has been identified for a landmark development up to 12 storeys.
“This increase in height will not be at the expense of the unique features and character of the town centre. Major views and vistas will be protected and the lake foreshore and public open spaces will not be overshadowed,” Mr Corbell said.
Parts of Greenway will be rezoned to CZ2 to encourage mixed use development and rezoning sections 7 and 12 will extend the business area to both sides of Soward Way.
“Rezoning a number of parcels of land will encourage a mix of residential and small scale commercial development which will increase activity in the town centre.”
DV318 will also activate the underused southern end of the lake by rezoning part of block 5 section 10 to medium density residential. Car parking requirements for new offices in the town centre will be reduced from 2.5 to 2 spaces per 100m2 of GFA.
(Simon Corbell Media release)