![report cover](http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-NF2Q_sl0kyk/T-JpP2ETN4I/AAAAAAAAzGU/UyyBUq4W6pQ/s600/Screen%2520shot%25202012-06-21%2520at%252010.13.04%2520AM.png)
Joy Burch is celebrating her publication of all that is good in childcare:
Ms Burch said the ACT Government-produced information booklet, Delivering Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care, shows that since 2001 there has been an increase of more than 80 per cent in the number of long day care places across Canberra, from 4121 to 7966, and the number of long day care providers has grown by 37 per cent, from 80 to 126.
“This report shows that the record investment in childcare that the ACT Labor Government has made has helped the ACT childcare sector grow substantially over the past decade, and further investment in recent Budgets will ensure that this growth continues,” Ms Burch said.
“In contrast, the report also highlights the former Canberra Liberals’ Government’s abysmal record in childcare, with the number of childcare places and centres remaining stagnant between 1998 and 2001.”