An artist’s impression of the proposed Stromlo Forest Anglican School in Wright, seen from John Gorton Drive. Images: Cox Architecture.
Plans for a $120 million private school in the Molonglo Valley have moved ahead with the lodging of a development application detailing an early learning to Year 12 campus that won’t be complete until 2040.
The Anglican Diocese of Canberra and Goulburn proposes to build the new school, to be known as Stromlo Forest Anglican College, on a five-hectare site in Wright fronting John Gorton Drive that the ACT Government set aside for such a development.
It will cater for all ages and eventually enrol about 1850 students and employ about 150 staff.
The site has been split into upper and lower concourses due to the challenging topography and a significant slope. The constraints of the site have also contributed to the decision to build it up to make the best use of the space available.

The school’s master plan. The campus will be developed in stages, with the bulk to be completed by 2030.
The plans show five main buildings ranging from one to five storeys set around most of an AFL/cricket-sized oval.
A campus common and a 1000-seat auditorium overlooking the oval are also planned, but they won’t be completed until 2040.
The single-storey Early Learning Centre and Kindergarten is slated to open in 2026, followed by the four-storey Junior School catering for years 1-6 in 2027, five storey Senior school building for years 7-10 in 2028, five-storey College building for years 11-12 in 2029 and the two-storey gymnasium in 2030.
As well as classrooms, these will contain music, art, tech, food technology and specialist rooms, science labs, administration, staff facilities and end-of-trip facilities.
The gymnasium will have seating for 1000, bike storage, a staff room, two outside hard courts and four synthetic cricket nets.

The view from the Admiral Place entrance.
Plans for the landscaped campus show a number of play spaces, outdoor recreation areas, entry and college piazzas, another hardcourt and the oval, which would have four turf cricket pitches.
The Diocese also wants to develop adjacent Blocks 7 and 8, Section 51 for combined school and community use.
The 6000 sqm Block 7 would be mostly an Environmental Garden with two outdoor courts. Block 8 would have a kitchen/community garden.
Total parking capacity for the site would be for 265 vehicles, 201 long-term and 64 pick-up/set-down spaces.
The plans show three car parks lining a reinstated Uriarra Road at the southern edge.
Access to the campus would be via Admiral Place off Opperman Avenue, and from Uriarra Road in the west to the car parks.

A view of the entry piazza at the upper concourse.
Those walking to school will access the campus from shared paths connecting to Admiral Place, from John Gorton Drive and from the south along a new shared path provided along Uriarra Road.
Traffic modelling indicates the school to the Senior stage will only have a marginal impact on the road network by 2028. However, by 2033 when the school will be mostly developed, there will be major issues at nearby intersections with traffic lights.
The traffic report says that while the school will exacerbate delays, the problem is John Gorton Drive, but planned upgrades in the years to come should improve the situation.

The campus seen from the corner of John Gorton Drive and Opperman Avenue.
Only three out of 16 trees will be retained on the site, but a tenfold increase in coverage is planned over the course of the development, or 167 trees.
The project aims for Zero Energy Certification through the International Living Future Institute, employing rooftop solar on all buildings to meet the campus’s operational energy needs, other energy efficiency measures and seeking Green Star Building accreditation.
Colliers has been appointed to manage the Deed with the government.
Colliers national director project leader Iain Davidson said the DA milestone had been met and the planned project timeline was on track.
“Extensive community consultation has already taken place and a website established to ensure people can stay up to date with plans and progress,” he said.
“Feedback provided has been very valuable in a number of ways, such as ensuring safe access for pedestrians, bike and car transport and facilities are flexible and fit for purpose as well as facilities for community sporting organisations.”
Construction was scheduled to commence at the end of next year.
Comment on the DA is open until 13 December.