Unforunately, shortly after New Year, the DSL service that services the Pancake parlour node was disconnected. This came as a surprise to us and the staff at the Pancake Parlour, and phonecalls to Telstra resulted in the discovery that the line was completely reset to pre-DSL status.
So, for the time being, the NERDBAND wireless node at Pancake Parlour is disconnected and shut down. We’ve been assured that Telstra are moving as quick as they can to restore our service, but somehow that doesn’t fill us with any confidence.
We’ll let all you people requiring free ‘net doses know when it’s back up, or you could travel another 5 minutes up the road to Deli Marco at Dickson and enjoy our other service there.
As always, if you know of any cafe’s or Restaurants are interested in hosting a NERDBAND service, please get them to give us a call on 626 22 555.