Recently I was driving home on the GDE and saw an accident near Glenloch interchange that could have easily been fatal. During peak hour a confused driver suddenly slowed and attempted a dangerous U turn back to the opposite side of the GDE. They couldn’t make it across due to the heavy north bound traffic. A southbound vehicle doing 80 in the right lane was suddenly confronted with a car sitting sideways across the lane and couldn’t stop in time. The U turn was attempted in a spot where there isn’t even room for a vehicle on the median strip.
Apart from that act of lunacy, I have also witnessed regular speeding with many cars doing 80-90km/hr in 60 zones and 100 in 80 zones. If you obey the limit you’re usually tailgated by an impatient driver just itching to exceed the speed limit. As a regular user of that road I’ve seen such dangerous driving I fear it’s only a matter of time before somebody gets killed.
I have never seen police targeting speeding or other dangerous driving in the area. As for the dangerous U turns, we need more barriers and signs prohibiting U turns. Barriers should at least be placed in sections where the median strip is narrow to prevent U turns and even head on collisions.
People also need to slow down and accept that getting somewhere a few minutes later is better than risking killing yourself or others.