It seems Jon Stanhope’s pronouncements in the wider national political discourse haven’t gone entirely unnoticed beyond these borders. In an article in Friday’s Crikey (sadly not in their online archive), Greg Barns included the following challenge to the Chief Minister:
Well, Mr Rudd has never been known as a champion of human rights and
the concept of fairness in the justice system, so maybe there are some
brave backbenchers such as Tasmanian MP and lawyer Duncan Kerr or even
Shadow A-G Joe Ludwig, who are a little more principled.No – there’s nothing there. It’s a case of blindly following the
leader on poor Dr Haneef. But maybe we are judging the ALP in haste.Here’s a challenge – if any ALP federal, state or Territory MPs (ACT
Chief Minister Jon Stanhope springs to mind) think that that to keep
someone locked up without charging them for more than ten days is not
OK, then let Crikey know.
Will Jon rise to the challenge (or, depending on your point of view,
take the bait)? At the time of writing, today’s Crikey hasn’t yet