Simon Corbell has announced a $9 million spend on cycling and walking infrastructure:
- — The City cycle loop;
— Kings Avenue on-road cycle lane and off-road cycle path improvements;
— accessibility improvements to walking infrastructure in the main town centres (Woden, Tuggeranong, Belconnen and Gungahlin) benefitting visually and mobility impaired people; and
— interim off-road footpath improvements at Kingston Foreshore;
— further examination of converting sections of Bunda Street in the City and Hibberson Street in Gungahlin to “shared spaces? of pedestrians, cyclists and drivers;
— construction of a missing link between the shared paths along Tuggeranong Parkway and Melrose Drive near Chifley and,
— the provision of cycling facilities along both sides of Yamba Drive between Yarra Glen and The Canberra Hospital.
More information is available from the TAMS Walking and Cycling Trunk Infrastructure Report
[Photo courtesy Simon Corbell’s office]