Deb Foskey pushed out a horrified media release (below) this afternoon. The Liberals had mocked her anti-cat crusade!
Yes, a cat out at night is a killing machine, no question. But what sort of environment is it predating again? After we’ve bulldozed the trees, built roads, fences, houses, laid concrete all around and planted whatever we think looks pretty why exactly are we getting bent out of shape about what tiddles gets up to?
Steve Pratt rubbed salt in the wounds when he put out this mocking media release.
Interesting to see Steve standing up for the freedoms of cats considering his attitude towards the freedoms of his fellow Canberrans.
UPDATED: *THE* National Geographic have picked up on this story.
Thurs 17 Nov 2005===============
Roaming cats or native birds
===============ACT Greens MLA Deb Foskey expressed her shock today that the Liberal Party thought the destruction of native wildlife around Canberra was a trivial and laughable matter.
“Last year the ACT Greens argued for new suburbs abutting nature parks to be declared cat free” Dr Foskey said today.
“I supported the Government’s cat containment legislation today as the next best option, as it seeks to put some controls on cats near these vulnerable areas.”
“Liberal MLA’s mocked the Cat Containment Bill today, arguing that it was a waste of the Assembly’s time. Given that it seeks to limit the damage caused to small native animals by uncontrolled cats living in or near protected habitat, I can only presume that the Canberra Liberals consider the conservation of native animals and ecological systems a joke.”
“In supporting the Bill today I also argued for cat licensing and micro-chipping, and for mandatory de-sexing.”
“This is not about attacking responsible cat owners, it is about putting some controls in place to deal with very real environmental and animal welfare problems.”
“It is salutary to consider the RSPCA had to deal with 1600 unwanted kittens last year; clearly only a fraction of unplanned feline pregnancies around Canberra” Dr Foskey said.================================
Roland Manderson Media Advisor
ACT Greens MLA Deb Foskey Legislative Assembly for the ACT ph(02)62050551 m 0412241379
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