Hello Rioters,
I am one of the many people commuting from Gungahlin to Woden.
Currently the only option is to travel to City interchange and catch a bus to Woden interchange.
The buses are usually full and it takes more than an hour to reach Woden. A direct service to Woden from Gungahlin via Gungahlin Drive will be of immense help to the office-goers.
This will have the following benefits:
- Reduce travel time by half
- Reduce the congestion at City as people do not need to travel via City
- More people are likely to catch the bus instead of driving if direct service is offered
There is a petition to request for this service. Could you please sign the petition if you think its good? http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/request-action-buses-for-a-direct-service-from-gungahlin-to-woden.html
Look at the route on Google Map: http://goo.gl/RRnF0o
Thank you.