Shoppers line up at the Nike store in the Canberra Outlet to grab a Boxing Day bargain. Photos: Daniella Jukic – We Are Found.
With Christmas done and dusted for another year, now’s the time to enjoy the other great Australian summer traditions. Settle in to watch the cricket, hit the road for a summer holiday or head to the shops for the Boxing Day sales.
Millions of bargain hunters around Australia are expected to flood shopping centres and online stores to take advantage of the end-of-year sales.
The Boxing Day public holiday originated in Britain sometime in the early 1800s. The exact roots of the holiday name are unknown, but there are two leading theories. One is that December 26 was the day that servants, who were required to work on Christmas Day, were given boxes filled with small gifts, money and leftovers from Christmas dinner in recognition of good service throughout the year, essentially holiday bonuses.
Another popular theory is that Boxing Day arose from the alms boxes that were placed in churches during the Advent season for the collection of monetary donations from parishioners. Clergy members then distributed the contents of the boxes to the poor on December 26. Either way, Australia gets the double public holiday to do fun things like shop.
One of Australia’s leading retail groups is predicting Boxing Day sales will hit a record this year.
National Retail Association Chief Executive Dominique Lamb says forecasting indicates that Australian shoppers may spend more than $2.6 billion nationwide, eclipsing all previous Boxing Day sales records. This follows weaker than expected Christmas buying. Sales for all retail segments are expected to be up on last year, in every state and territory.
“Boxing Day is one of the biggest days on the Australian shopping calendar and retailers across the country are bracing themselves for a shopping blitz,” Ms Lamb said.

The bargains are big at Canberra Outlet.
Canberra Outlet spokesperson, Clare Read said the centre is ready for an influx of shoppers.
“Boxing Day certainly is a big day for the centre. The unique thing about the Boxing Day sales at Canberra Outlet is that shoppers are effectively getting discounts on already discounted outlet items,” Read said.
“Retailers across the centre will have great sales, including in the new Designer Mall. Savvy shoppers can stock up on household items or splurge on clothing and shoes.”
Sales include 40 per cent off storewide at Nike, an extra 50 to 70 per cent off at Ralph Lauren, up to 70 per cent off at Oroton, 25 per cent off at Seed and everything’s on sale at Freedom.
There’s never been a better time to get the brands you love at a price you deserve.
Canberra Outlet is located at 337 Canberra Avenue, Fyshwick.
Opening hours:
- Thursday 26 December 8:30 am – 6:00 pm
- Friday 27 December 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Saturday 28 December 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Sunday 29 December 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Monday 30 December 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Tuesday 31 December (New Year’s Eve) 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
- Wednesday 1 January (New Year’s Day) Closed.

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