[First filed: May 11, 2009 @ 11:02]

Hard drinking RiotACT readers will be pleased to learn that, pending delivery of the defence white paper in a decade’s time, Edgar’s Inn of Ainslie has been fortified against aerial observation and attack by Main Battle Tank.
If that perfidious Power To Our North comes for us they’ll have do it with infantry, in turn vulnerable to pint glass.

UPDATED: Proving that things really did happen during my year at the coast it turns out that just last April b2 alerted RiotACT to a mad Volvo attack on the Edgar’s clientelle.
Also RiotACT’s military consultants have been out to inspect the defences and think a serious tank *might* be able to broach the planters. But while they do it will be very vulnerable to RPG’s aimed at their thin belly armour. So Edgar’s has been provisionally approved for tank safe drinking.