Poachers Pantry Truffle Dinners
The wonderful Poachers Pantry truffle dinner series is returning this June. Join them at the Smokehouse Restaurant to experience Canberra’s special winter ingredient, the truffle! Featuring Blue Frog Truffles from Sutton, paired beautifully with Poachers vineyard wines and other local produce over 5 courses, this is the perfect way to embrace and celebrate winter in the Canberra Region.
The Details
What: Winter Truffle Dinners at Poachers Pantry
When: 25 June & 2, 16, 30 July 2022, 6:45 pm
Where: The Smokehouse Restaurant – 431 Nanima Rd, Springrange NSW 2618
Cost: $95 per person, $130 with wine pairing. Bookings are essential.