6 March 2022

Fallen wires block Kings Highway at Bungendore

| Kim Treasure
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Map of Kings Hwy

Fallen wires have blocked the Kings Highway near Bungendore. Photo: Live Traffic.

Fallen wires have completely closed the Kings Highway at Bungendore and authorities say there is no forecast for when it will reopen.

With heavy rainfall and severe weather warnings affecting the whole district, motorists are being advised to consider delaying their trip or allow extra travel time.

The Kings Highway incident was reported just after 1 pm Sunday, 6 March, with wires across the road just past Harrowfield Drive.

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Traffic in both directions is being diverted through Tarago.
Westbound traffic is being diverted at Goulburn Road. Eastbound traffic is being diverted at Tarago Road. This diversion is not suitable for heavy vehicles.
The fallen wires have also taken out power to 1215 households in Bungendore. The Bungendore RFS is attending and waiting for Essential Energy workers.

Original Article published by Kim Treasure on About Regional.

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