The life and work of Canberra vet Jann Aiton was celebrated at a memorial service in Braidwood recently. A second celebration of her life will be held early next year. Photo: Supplied.
Jann Aiton, a much admired and respected veterinary surgeon who serviced the ACT region, passed away in Braidwood Hospital on 7 November 2024.
She left behind her six beloved elderly cats, who are now looking for new homes.
Jann ran her veterinary surgery from her backyard in the suburb of Page for more than 20 years before working as a locum vet at The Angel Of Mercy Veterinary Hospital and at practices in Cootamundra and Temora.
She was known to have “healing hands” and “could put her hands on an animal and it would just calm down”.
Jann graduated from the University of Sydney as a Bachelor of Veterinary Science in 1972. She was the 26th vet registered in the ACT, and the first female vet registered in the ACT, under her married name Jann Nicolai.
As a young woman she was a girl guide, loved fishing and gardening and also played hockey. She studied and achieved many things throughout her life including piano, horticulture, permaculture, surf lifesaving, cheese making, goat massage, rabbit dentistry, wool classing, irrigation, pottery and bricklaying.
She held a diploma in chemistry, chainsaw certification, a firearms licence, had owner-builder certification, was a member of the Canberra Organic Gardening Society, and also taught classes at Canberra Institute of Technology.
She was also a pioneer in breeding Cashmere and Angora goats, and was among the first to import alpacas into Australia.
Although her cats Pixie and Charlie are already on their way to new trial homes, her friends still need help to rehome four of her remaining cats.

Can you give a forever home to one of Jann Aiton’s beloved cats? Image: Supplied.
Muttama, a ginger cuddle monster and Peter, his intelligent hyperactive best friend, would be best re-homed together.
Timothy the Tiger, a timid outdoor tabby cat, and Wobbly Boots, a precious disabled ginger and white cat, will require specialist homes preferably with owners experienced at cat re-homing.
All six cats will face a difficult transition from their tranquil farm life, and may require multiple attempts at re-homing. If you are interested in helping, please email dron@dron.com.au for more information.
Friends of Jann Aiton are invited to attend a “Celebration of Life” to be held at Mongarlowe Cemetery at 1 pm on 13 April, 2025, after which a memorial plaque will be placed in her honour.