Our Brave Leader has proudly announced that he’s downsized to a four cylinder car and is taking the rest of the ACT fleet with him. While he’s at it he’s lifted the restriction to Australian made cars as there’s only one.
Is this for general reasons of fuel efficiency? Well partly, but that gets second billing throughout the announcement. As always it is to be sanctimonious, this time about greenhouse gases.
“The Government is determined to lead by example when it comes to economic efficiency and when it comes to addressing the looming threat of climate change”
But not by doing anything concrete about public transport or placing community assets out in the community thereby reducing travel distances. Maybe if Mr. Stanhope did away with a car for a week or two he’d realise how non-car use isn’t a viable option in the city he’s remaking.
(and on that note isn’t it wonderful to hear Simon Corbell announce that we’ll all have to get used to the parking nightmare his crappy planning has unleashed on Civic)
Meanwhile on greenhouse issues the Greens have been pointing out that the Government has yet to compile any statistics on greenhouse emissions in the ACT, without which any decision making is just useless tokenism.
But useless tokenism is what the ACT Government does best!